Chapter 2

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I bent and put my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. In a few minutes, I was back to 'normal'. I stared at the flowing river before me. This used to fill me with such peace and tranquility. But now, I felt nothing. I had sunk lower than I thought. I just stared at the river, I had nothing else to do, nowhere else to go. My home was a nightmare. I sat on the grass, my back resting against a tree. I'd stay here for a few more hours then return home. My life was such a mess.

I'll be gone soon, I'll take my leave, my short time here is about to expire,  I hope you all are consumed by fire, I sang, tears streaming down my face.

If only things were different, I might have loved to tend to trees, perhaps even be a vet. Of course though, that won't ever happen. I'm just a weed, I'm the wounded animal, the earth itself wants me terminated, I thought. It shall have its wish.

"I'm leaving!" I suddenly yelled to the trees, tears rolling down nonstop. "I realize I'm a mistake, okay?! I'll correct the imbalance my existence has created!"

"You're not a mistake," the trees whispered back. "You're so much more."

I gasped and wiped my face. Most people might be scared, but what was the point of that, I wasn't exactly afraid of death anyway.

"You can talk?" I gaped.

"Of course I can, silly." It replied. Then I saw a figure walk out, and my countenance changed immediately.

"Who are you?" I asked bluntly.

"My name's Eli." He replied smiling.

"Stay away from me, Eli. Are you stalking me? It feels that way." I said sternly. He chuckled lightly and walked towards me. He jumped over the narrow river and sat beside me when he finally reached me.

"What exactly do you want from me?" I asked.

"I'm here to help." He replied.

"Help?" I questioned. Might as well hear him out if he came all this way.


"Explain." I said, slightly curious now.

"Give me a week to change your view on your life." He replied staring at me with those blue eyes that seemed to see right through me.

"There's nothing wrong with the way I view my life." I snapped. "It's really none of your business."

"Oh, but it is." He said, his eyes twinkling.

I got up and wiped off the dirt on my jeans. I had heard enough.

"You really shouldn't sneak up on people." I said, picking my bag up from beside me and shrugging it on. "Stay away from me."

I ran back in the direction I came from but with a different destination in mind- home. I looked back after a while. He wasn't following me.



The walk home was quite peaceful. I trod along the path to myself thinking of who Eli could be. As I stepped through the front door to my house, an eerie feeling came over me. Something was wrong. I felt it right down to my bones.

"Mum?" I called out.

No reply.

"Mum?" I called out louder, stepping into the kitchen. My heart was racing frantically now. The level of uneasiness in me seemed to be increasing fast.

Still no reply.

"Mother!" I yelled.

"Baby?" I heard my mother croak. "You're home?" I ran to the source of her voice.

She was on the floor, leaning against the wall adjacent to the door leading to her bedroom. Her nose was bleeding, her lips were busted too. She had a black eye which was closed shut, she seemed unable to open it. There were welts on her skin too, red marks standing against the whiteness. Her hands were covered with them, as were her legs. They were quite visible in the blue sleeveless shirt and black skirt she was currently in. Her brown hair was matted with clumps of blood in several places. I could see the tears spilling down her cheeks and I felt anger swell in me. This wasn't the first time I had seen my mum this way and I knew it wouldn't be the last. I ran to get a wet cloth and came back to her fast, wiping the blood from her face.

"He did this again, didn't he?" I asked, my voice dangerously low.

"Oh honey, it was just a mistake." She replied, her voice cracking as she winced from pain.

"A mistake?" I barked, anger increasing by the second. "We need to report this, or at least leave him!"

"No, we can't, he didn't mean to." She sobbed.

"Shh," I cooed. "It's fine. You'll be fine." I said.

I didn't want her upset, not in this state. I continued tending to her wounds, being careful enough not to hurt her in the process. I heard the front door slam and immediately, my heartbeat spiked up. I could hear footsteps approaching fast. I wanted to hide my mother somewhere, but it was much too late already. I stood fast and turned to face him, I knew he was behind me already. The smell hit me before anything else. He stood there, looking bigger than he actually was in the narrow passageway. His orange shirt was tucked in improperly into brown khaki pants, the whites of his hazel eyes were tomato red, and they had a wild look to them. In his right hand was a leather belt. It felt like we were having a staring contest as he looked at me straight in the eyes, his wild eyes had a hint of hunger in them. But I would not let that intimidate me. I could do way better.

"You animal," I spat. "I would skin you, and grind your bones from your toes upwards so you would be alive till the end of it, but that would be too good for you. You're a monster." I saw his eyes darken, and his grip on the belt tighten.

"I'm taking my mother, and we're leaving you." I said.

"You wouldn't dare. You worthless things are mine." He said, spitting each word with scorn.

"Well, fuck you." I shot. He took slow steps towards me till he was exhaling his alcohol reeked breath on me.

"What did you say?" He asked, daringly.

"Chris, don't..." My mum groaned, stretching her hand out so she could grab my leg. He raised his foot high, and stamped it.

"Don't speak until you're spoken to!" He yelled and I slapped him. I couldn't help it. He looked at me for a second, breathing heavily, then he raised the belt, and brought it down on me. I was used to his beatings, but they still hurt as hell. He hit me everywhere he could. I cried out loud repeatedly with each strike. I tried to run past him but he grabbed my hand and shoved me to the floor, delivering his beatings with me there.

"You don't talk to your father that way." He spat. I felt the metal from his belt come in contact with my face and I yelled once more. He dropped the belt and carried me, putting me over his shoulder.

"Oh please don't Dalton!" I heard my mum cry out as he took me into their room.

"This should teach you a thing or two about respecting your father." He said as he threw me on the bed and pulled his trousers down. I could do nothing, I was too weak, I was barely conscious. He had his way with me like he always did on nights like this. I could hear my mother sobbing outside.

This was my life.

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