Chapter 8

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He walked me to the training arena. We walked hand in hand to the maze and without hesitation, he started leading me, never taking his hand off mine. We went through so many lefts and rights i thought we were lost until we came to a metal door.  

He let go of my hand and i felt cold as the tingles left me. He undid all the bolts then used a key to unlock the final lock. He opened the door to a ladder and we crowded in. He locked the door behind us. 

He climbed the ladder and I followed till we got to the top. He opened what looked like a drain cover and I felt the warmth of the sun. He climbed out and I followed. 

I looked around. We looked to be in a field. But I couldn't see the training arenas open top. 

"It's a disguise, no one can see through it," Jason said as if reading my mind. He took my hand and we started walking towards what looked like a road. I was correct. We arrived on the road and began walking. After a few minutes we came to what looked like an abandoned garage. We walked towards it. 

"Why are we at an abandoned garage?" he pulled out a set of car keys. 

"Because I keep my car here." he used a separate key to unlock the door. We walked to a dark and dusty room. There were cobwebs and spiders everywhere. 

We walked to another door which he unlocked leading into a large room with a black car in the middle. He pressed a button and the orange lights flashed. He walked around to the passenger side door and opened it gesturing for me to get in. I climbed and he shut the door behind me.  

I expected him to get straight in but he went to the back of the room. I twisted and turned but i couldn't see what he was doing. All of a sudden he was at my door and silently opened it. 

"Don't make a sound. Get down and stay in the car," without another word he shut the door and pressed a button on the keys and I saw an orange flash. I tried to open the door but it was locked. 

I slid down and opened the glove box. Inside was a handgun a real one with real bullets in the clip. I stayed low steadying myself when i saw the orange flash. The driver's door flew open. 

"Come on, princess," said a bold, burly man. 

I aimed the gun at his chest but he just laughed. I pulled hard on the trigger and watched the bullet fly... it flew straight into his heart. I heard him yelp with both surprise and pain. 

He fell backwards. I could already feel the tear running down my face. I threw the door open and went to the door. 

I looked around and found the room empty. I ran to the next door as quietly as I could and opened it a small amount. I looked around until I found Jason lay on the floor. I threw the door open. 

"JASON!" I ran to him but halfway he rolled over and pointed his gun at me. I use my reflexes and fell to the floor. As I hit the cracked mud, I heard a bang. I looked up and saw Jason pointing the gun behind me. I turned just as I saw the body fall. 

Jason scurried over to me and grabbed me in a hug. I rested my head on his chest and cried. All I could see was that man's face as he fell to the floor, the blood pouring through the hole in his chest. 

"It's ok, its ok. Where is the other man?" I cried harder and a look of realisation crossed Jason's face as he looked at the gun next to me.

"It's ok. It was a kill or be killed situation. He had nothing to live for. These men have nothing to live for." he rubbed my back. 

"Here take this. I'm going to go get the car." he handed me the gun and stood up. "And seriously don't shoot yourself." I tried to smile. The shock was fading. I started understanding my situation. It was me or him. Then I thought of Josh, and my friends at home. I have things to live for, he didn't. 

By the time Jason got the car, I had almost come to terms with what had happened. I hopped up and walked to the dead body on the floor. Taking deep breathes, I went through his jacket and trouser pockets.  

I found another hand gun and some clips, a phone and a picture. It was a picture of me and Jason on that beach when we were little. I pushed it into my pocket and turned my attention to the phone.  

I unlocked it and started searching through the texts. There was nothing important. I took out the memory card and smashed the phone. You never know, it could have a tracker like in the movies.I heard the rumble of the engine behind me and jumped up, running to the car. 

"What were you doing?" asked Jason, looking behind me at the body.  I pulled out the gun, ammo and memory card. 

"I got this out of his phone then smashed it up," i showed him the memory card but he didn't even give it a glance. He stared at me with his mouth hanging open. 

"You said that-" 

"Yes I know what I said but I also know what you said. 'Kill or be killed' it seemed logical to go through his clothes" he started driving, shaking his head. 

"What about the bodies?" I asked. There were three black cars coming towards us. 

"They will deal with them," and with that he spun on to the road and soon was over the speed limit. 

"Why are we going so fast?" my knuckles had gone white where I was holding onto the door. 

"Because otherwise those guys behind us will catch up," I looked behind us and sure enough, there were the three black cars far behind us. 

"If we don't go this fast then they will get us. Oh great! Just what we need!" i turned around and saw a police car in a layby. 

"Just keep driving if he comes after us get next to him," I told him an idea coming to my mind.

"What th-" 

"Just do it!" grumbling away he continued driving and the cop car chased us. We switched to the other side of the road and slowed down. I rolled down my window. 

"Pull over!" shouted the police officer. 

"You don't understand the people behind us. They want to kill us. You have to let us go please." I pleaded.

"Nice one, pull over." 

"Please, I promise you we wouldn't be going this fast if we weren't about to get murdered," I was almost screaming. "Please," he was silent but then he slowed right down and pulled into the next layby.  

"Drive!" I almost screamed as he put his foot down full on the accelerator. 

"AHHHHH!" I screamed as the back window shattered. 

"Keep your head down," he gently put a hand on the back of my head, pushing it down on my knees. I took deep breathes as I heard a gun being fired. 

It felt like eternity, with my head on my knees listening to shot after shot, waiting for one of those shots to hit its desired target. 

We suddenly swerved and for a moment I thought we were about to crash when I realised there were tall buildings around us and the shots had stopped. I slowly sat up. 

"Well we are in the city. They won't shoot us out in the open. We need to get to the mall."

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