Showdown in Big Metropolis (Updated)

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Superman screamed out in pain as the white-clad boy threw him through a skyscraper, his vision blurring into swirls of neon, mortar and blood as he spun out of control. After flying through more than three buildings, he managed to steady himself midair, but only for a brief second. The Man of Steel had barely processed where he was before a green beam howled through the air, searing his back before the same fist beat him rapidly through the Metropolis CBD, the shockwaves of the blows tearing cars into crude piles of metal.

Superman had been hit so hard and so fast, he had forgotten where he was again. He desperately strained his eyes, trying to make sense of the blurs passing them. But whenever he regained his focus, the boy's onslaught just became more and more vicious.

And with a final downward kick, he sent Superman hurtling back to Earth, the force of the kick shattering every window in the block.

When Superman hit the ground, a poorly constructed path in an alleyway, his beaten body ounced along the concrete gracelessly, like a deflated basketball. As he collided violently with a wall at the alley's end, he let out a loud cry, a bitter, metallic taste filling his mouth.

He looked up to see the boy descending from above him, like an angel about to deliver divine wrath, and for one of the first times in his life, Superman found himself panting with fear.

His panting only became worse as the boy got closer. His chest felt like a weight, a crushing feeling of despair that became worse with every breath he took. By the time the boy got closer to him, his breathing had been replaced by a heavy bout of coughing and wheezing.

Which made him all the more easier to fight.

The boy's boots finally met the ground, his armour gleaming platinum white in the obscured moonlight. Superman groaned with effort, attempting to get back on his feet. But as soon as he stood up, the boy's eyes blazed with a red fire, which turned into primal beams of energy that forced Supermn back to the ground in a broken, souldering heap.

"So..." he spat at his attacker. "You copied my powers too?"

His only reply was a small smirk, the sort of snide grin a shark makes before it devours you whole.

"Well I've been a good boy of late..." the youth chuckled. He waited another second before his hand snapped out and grabbed Superman by the collar.

"...I'd like to think of it as my reward."

He held the hero high above the ground, palm-striking him straight in the center of the 'S' symbol of his suit, watching as the Man of Steel tore through the burgundy wall behind him like it was wet paper.

He went to strike him again, but Superman caught his foot and pulled him down, viciously upper-cutting the boy's jaw. It sent the boy flying through a rusted fire escape with a booming thunderclap and breaking several building foundations in the process.

Normally, Superman wouldn't take this long to defeat someone with such power, excpet for the fact that this boy did not just have ONE power. The fact that he had used Wonder Woman's strength, Green Lantern's beams and his heat vision confirmed his fears; that the boy had finally gained the powers of the Justice League! It wasn't just fighting one person, it was like fighting the whole League! All their powers condensed into one person!

"You won't be rewarded, Desmond!" Superman yelled after him. "You'll be punished!"

With a roar of rage, he leapt up over the building, landing mere feet away from Desmond, who was slowly crawling out of the mangled remains of the fire escape.

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