Chapter 34

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I waited for a good 15 mins until Ryan arrived. I was there with Luke and he wasn't bad of a guy like I have heard about him. He definitely fit into the persona of a bad boy I wanted,only the perfect bad boy attitude but not exactly the thing. He was cocky at places and really sweet at some other times. He wasn't that bad of a person I thought he would be.
"So I will see you around Green" He winked and walked away.
"Sure,Mathers" I smiled.

"Will you come in or should I drive away?" Ryan shouted,the same old impatient boy he is.

"Calm down,Froggy!" I got into the car and smiled him,"Thank you for the ride!" He just rolled his eyes.

"Get out!" He stated firmly.

"What?" I was a bit taken back by his serious tone.I reached for the knob until I hear a bark of laughter.

"Are you kidding me?" I huffed crossing my arms over my chest.

"Your face!" He just laughed at my face. He does that always cause he knows I am kind off not used to rude behaviour. I slapped him on his arm which made him stop laughing.

"Sorry.Are you hungry?" That very moment my stomach made a growling sound,so attractive I know.

"You got your answer" I smiled sheepishly.

"Then Diner it is." He said and started off the engine.I turned on the radio. The songs playing on the radio were all totally stupid so I kept switching the stations every now and then. I was getting bored of this. Ryan had an amused grin on his face as he saw me struggling with the radio.

"Pause it here" he told me and I did so.And after the silence a song came up and we both turned our face to each other grinning from ear to ear.
It was Lean On by Major Lazer.

Blow a kiss,fire a gun
All we need is somebody to lean on

We started going with the flow of the song lyrics imitating it literally.Blowing a kiss and then using our fingers as guns and we did the firing action.And then the music kicks in and we did the signature step from the video.Moving our hands with the rhythm of the song.I was caught up in the song so much that I didn't even notice the fact that the car has come to a halt and Ryan was already out of the car and went around and opened the door for me.

"Thanks" I muttered at the sweet gesture and he simply smiled and we walked inside the diner. It was a real cliche one,with cream floor and red seats and all the jukebox music playing in background. It wasn't really crowded,so we took a place at the nearby table. The waiter came up to us to take our orders.

" One burger and a chocolate milkshake" Ryan told him and turned to me," You?"
" One burger,fries and a cold drink" I told him and he gave us a nod and left.
It was silence thereafter.
"So?" Ryan broke the silence.
"Just tell me already" I questioned him.
"It's just kind of weird to see you around now after so many years"

"Weird?" I was puzzled now.

"After I moved away,we never saw each other and suddenly after so many years here I am with you again. I was unsure that I would even see you ever again" he sighed.

"That's called destiny. We meet everyone for some reason" I don't know what did I just say and this conversation doesn't make any sense.

"Hmm" he muttered. And I food arrived and we dug in. I took a bit of my burger.

"It's amazing!"I said between the bites.

"I know,right? How I missed this place" he smiled taking in the place.


"I used to come here with my Dad." He looked away,must be hard for him to cope up with the separation.
We finished our food and I took a glance at my phone and it was only 10 pm. I went to my inbox and I saw Nate's reply stating that he will be home late.That means now I have to be home all by myself until he's back,I sighed.

"What happened?" Ryan asked as he paid for the food.

"Nate's gonna be late tonight."

"So are you still-" I cut him off shaking my head in assurance.

"So I will take you somewhere then" he smiled and grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the diner to his car. We didn't talk the whole ride,it was just the sound of the radio and the calmness of the night.

"So here we are" he turned off the engine and moved out of the car.
I took a look at my surrounding and I was stunned at its familiarity. I think I know this place with a lot of trees surrounding the road and then the open ground in front of that,the place was calm and serene and from here you can almost see the town. I scrunched my eyebrows as I tried to remember some resemblance to this place.

"Don't tell me you don't remember this" he looked at me clearly seeing my confused thoughts.

" I don't know,this seems familiar but I can't recall it properly" I replied honestly.

"It's that place,Ana. The place where Nate and I learnt football from your Dad.We always used to come here to play instead of going to the nearby park"

I smiled at the memory as I remember that after our mom passed away and our dad stopped taking us to the park cause it brought back memories of her,so instead he used to get us all here to play. Nate and Ryan were practically like brothers and my dad was like practically Ryan's Dad too.

"By the way,I was too young to remember this place and second it's night time and we always came during the daytime" I pointed out and he just smiled. I walked around taking in everything,this place is so peaceful. Ryan jumped in front of the car and sat on the bonnet and rested his back on the glass. He looked up straight to the sky and I noticed his brown hair sprawled all over because of the wind and that boy looked the same like he used to though his skin is much tanner now but it made him look mature. He suddenly turned around," Like what you see?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes at his cockiness.
"Come up here" he outstretched his hand I took it and hoped on and adjusted myself and looked up at the sky. Indeed the sight in front of me was beautiful. The sky was clear and kind of hazy but the most beautiful thing was the full moon that was radiant,calm and a captivating sight.

"I hope a Damon or Edward doesn't pop up here" Ryan muttered.

"Heh?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I am talking about the fictional supernatural characters that you girls love and the fact that they have some connection with the full moon" He shrugged.

I just laughed,"Firstly they're Vampires and secondly it's really stupid" He joined me in. We have already had stupid conversations and it's nothing new this time too.

"So how's my brother?" He asked and the talks started off from one thing to another. We had a talk on some weirdest topics and then some random things. Time flew by as we lay there star gazing.

"Let's go it's going to morning in a few hours " He stood up.

"What time is it?" I asked him and he took out his phone and showed me.

"Shit! It's 3 am! Nate's gonna kill me" I jumped off and hurried in the car.

"No shit,Sherlock!" He muttered and drove away really fast and we reached home where he dropped me off and left.
I walked up to the porch and knocked thrice and no reply,so I twisted the door knob and it was locked. This means Nate isn't back either,I thanked God for saving me from my brother's interrogation and scoldings. I walked up to my room directly changed into my nightwear and looked up at the clock and it was around 4 and Nate isn't home.I was worried now he usually isn't this late,so I decided to call him.
He answered after 4 rings,he finally answered,"Nathan Green! Where the hell are you? Do you know what time is it? Do yo-"I was cut off by him.

"What do you want?" He gritted his teeth. Strange.

"When are you coming back home?" I sighed.

"I will be there in the morning or I will see you at school directly.Just be careful" With that he hung up.
I stared at my phone in disbelief,something is going on with him and I will find that out later cause for now I need sleep it's only 3 hours for school.

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