Chapter 10

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~Anaestia's POV~

Cassie ain't coming even today.I'm gonna miss her so very much.But as they say life goes on.So I let out a sigh and moved onto my way to school.They School was as usual crowded people chattering along .I scanned the crowd until I found the trio right near the corner. As I was walking towards them,somebody dashed into me and I falled flat on my ass.

I look above to see a familiar pair of green eyes.For a split second, we locked gazes.And by familiar I mean I know this guy.He is Luke Mathers.The popular Jock and the goddamn shameless player.And yeah the guy Cassie is crushing on since ages.He offered me a hand to help me which I denied.Cause I'm that stubborn.

'Thanks' I spat and being to walk away again.Until he grabbed my wrist and pushed me back to him.

'Your welcome.By the way what's your name?' He smirked.

He doesn't even know my name.He's such a Jerk.

'Find out if you wanna know? and let go of me' I rolled my eyes at him.

'Huh?' was just he said.I can see the shock and amusement in his eyes.And he let go of my wrist.

Taking the advantage I continued to walk until I reached the trio.

'Hey! Guys!' I chirped.

'Hello.' They synced smirking at me.

'What?' I snapped.

'What was goin on between Luke and you,right there?' Harper said pointing towards the place where me and Luke had a little chat.

'Nothing' I shrugged.

'You like Luke Mathers?' Stella smirked.

'Eww Greene.He's gay' Jade interupted.

'FYI.I don't like him.He's all yours Jade' I smirked.

'Whaaaaaaat?' He was unable to form anywords at my sudden remark.

'I really understand how it feels when your friend likes someone you like' I said faking a frown.

And the expression on his face was PRICELESS.

Stella and Harper noticed this and we all were laughing so hard that no voice was coming out and we were just clapping like a retarded Seal.

The bell rung and we headed to our classrooms it was Biology now.And Jade had Biology with me.The girls went the other way and me and Jade headed towards the Biology wing.

'You are such a DramaQueen' Jade playfully punched my arm and rolled his eyes.

'And you love me for that' I pouted.

'And I love the way you lie' He said in a sing-song voice.

'Hahaha.You are such a Gay' I stated.

He rolled his eyes,' I'm not'

'Okay so what are you BiPolar?' I teased.

'No Greene.I'm straight' He stated as a matter-of-fact.

I laughed and together we entered the class.

I liked Biology and I was pretty good at it too.I sat on my usual place anf Jade sat besides me where Cassie used to sit.Damn I want her to meet these guys.It'll be so much fun being together.We guys will fit in so well and then the trio will be the 'Fantastic Five'.Anaestia get some originality,Google a name later.

Jade snapped me out of my reverie.I looked at him in bewilderment.The teacher went away.

'Why did he go?' I asked Jade.

'Thats mean you didn't hear anything' He asked.

'No' I said in a duh-tone.

'He said that we are free for the next two days from Biology and at the end of this week he'll take up a test' He frowned.

'Okay.Why are you so sad?Its just a test' I asked.

'Im bad at Biology.I've just passed all this years.' He sighed.

'That's it.I'll tutor you.You'll do fine then' I offered.

'Are you sure?' He asked rubbing the back of his neck.He looked really cute when he did that.

'Yes' I assured him.

' You are cute when you are nervous.' I added.

I could see his cheeks turn red in embarassment.Aww he just blushed.

'Whatever' He turned around.

'Lets go now' He announced.

'We were gonna go after school.' I stated.

'Yes but we are free now so we can leave' He said like it was the most obvious thing.

'What about Harper and Stella?' I asked.

'I texted them they'll meet us at the driveway' He informed.

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