A Vampire's Kiss ~Prologe + Chapter 1~

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  • Dedicated to Jessica Nicholson


I wish to die, as soon as possible please. I will die anyway you wish me too. You may hang me, stab me, posion me, beat me or even burn me alive for all I care. I just can't keep exsisting on this earth, it brings me so much pain.

Of course this never would of happened if I had just listened to him...if I had understood what he meant.

It all started on my first day of year 10. I was at a new school, in a new year, and i had to make new friends and learn new hallways and places to hide.

~Chapter 1~

I'm running, i can't breathe. I call out for someone to save me, but no one hears me...I'm scared. I have no idea where i am or how i got to this hellhole.

I stop running and take a good look around, I know I can't stop for long, I need to keep running. I need to run away from him, the demon that haunts my dreams. I dont know his name, or why he is after me, all I know is that I can't let him get me, I can't let him take away my soul...

I look around, and try to figure out where i am. The sky is dark, and I realize a storm is coming. The sky rumbles as the clouds grow thicker. The grass below me is dead and dry. All around me things are dying, it's only a matter of time before i, too, die with my surroundings. I don't want to die, not yet anyway...I have friends and family who love me. My school grades are doing just fine and I'm only fifteen. When I...if I, get out of this place, i'll start year 10 at Dragomir High, and i'll make new friends.I'll celebrate my sweet sixteenth birthday and i'll get my license.

As I turn around, I suddenly realize that I have stopped for much too long. I sprint off into the never ending darkness as fast as I can. He is only a few metres behind me, and if i don't keep running, i know that i'll surely die in this horrible hellhole. I can't see his face, or hear his voice as he yells out at me. My heart is pounding to hard and my eyes are blurry from my tears.My ears are beginning to ring...

I sit straight up, and instantly realize that im back in my room, at home, on earth. I look aroud and take in my surroundings.My walls are painted black,with hot pink and bright green flowers spaced out across the walls. My whole room is the same, black, pink and green. There are only hints of white and blue in some spots of my room. I love my room, it's the one place where i can feel safe...well, that was before I felt afriad to go to sleep.

My ears are still ringing, as I look over at my phone and see that it's 6:30am. I sigh and get up out of my warm and cozy bed to turn my beeping alarm off. I slowly stumble out of my room and head across the hall to the bathroom. I take my time getting undressed and having a hot shower.

As I brush through my long, light brown hair, I look into the mirror. My eyes, which are normally hazel, and sparkly, are now a brownish-green and slightly dulled. My hair is a little wavy and settles perfectly around my shoulders.

I'm often told i'm pretty, or cute. Most people say I look like an innocent little angel, but they obvoiusly don't know me. I have deep, dark, and dangerous secrets, that could possibly destory man-kind...

I choose my clothes carefully, knowing that it's my first day at a new school, i want to make a good impression. I wear my black jeans and my pink T-shirt, with my black boots.

"You look nice," a voice says from the door. I turn around to find Alice my eighteen year old sister standing in my doorway.

"Thanks," I say and then walk around her and make my way downstairs.I don't bother to grab breakfast, I just pick up my black bag (yes, it too has flowers on it), and walk out the door, towards my new school.

When I reach the school, there's only ten minutes before the bell. I take a deep breath and walk through the big black gates...

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