A Vampire's Kiss ~Chapter 3~

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  • Dedicated to Niicole Pietrobuono

~Chapter 3~

I don't know what to say about Blake. From the moment I saw him, I thought he was the most amazing person in the world, maybe I was in love with him or maybe I thought he was amazing because of the way he made my heart race, either way i didn't know.

Yesterday when Blake was long gone, I stood in the same spot for about an hour, trying to figure out what he meant. After an hour I gave up and walked home, and as soon as I got there, I walked up to my room, and closed the door.

Now, I lay in my bed, hugging a pillow. I don't have to get up and look into the mirror to know that my face is tear stainned and that I have blotchy red spots all over my face. My hair is everywhere, and so are my blankets and pillows. When I cry, I get angry. I get angry because, when I cry, I let my walls come down, and I'm weak. I get angry because it's my fault that my parents died, and i mostly get angry because i'm scared. I hate being weak and afraid...

I keep crying until I have no more tears, and then i lay there, with my head in one of my pillows, that didnt get thrown across the room, during my rage. I just lay there silently, listening to the sounds outside my window.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I can hear something being thrown at my window, but I have now idea what, maybe i'm imagining it. I wait for the noise to go away.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I let out a fustrated sigh and slowly get out of bed. As I walk over to my window, I walk past the mirror. I stop and look at my reflection. Ugh! I look like crap. My hair is all over the place and my face is red and tear stained. My pink tank top is crinkled. I trudge over to the window and look down.

Standing outside my window is Lisa, my best friend since kindergarten.

I quietly make my way downstairs, and open the door. Lisa is already waiting there.

"Hiya," she says.

"Hi. Come on in," I reply.

"They asleep?" She points upstairs.


Once we get up to my room, I quietly close my door and hop back in bed.

"You look like shit," Lisa says as she sits on the edge of my bed. We always do this, get up late at night and go over to the other persons house, but since the accident, Lisa always comes over to my place. When we moved, I didn't want to leave without Lisa. Of course, her parents bearly knew she exsisted, so she moved down here with her grandparents, who were more than happy to have her living with them.

"Thanks, your nice," I mumble as she laughs.

"Just telling ya. So, how was your first day?"

I shrug. "Same old, same...kind of..." I whisper the last part. Lisa and I don't go to the same high school here. I go to Dragomir High and she goes to St.Claires girl school, so she has no idea about Blake or the abusive guy and he's phycopathic girlfriend.

"Kind of?" she asks, raising her eyebrow. I give a small nod. "Well? Start talking, and don't leave out any details, i've never seen you smile like that before!" She giggles as she points to my face. It's only then that I realize I'm smiling.

So, I tell her all about my day...the phyco girl, the boring classes and how everyone is so pale. I tell her about the abusive guy and Blake. She just stared at me the whole time, listening intently.

"Oh. My. God!" she said once I had finished. She had a huge grin on her face, and I couldn't help but smile. "Are you in love with him?"

I stopped smiling and laid there frozen. Did I love him? No, not possible...no... "I...I don't know. I only met him today..." I whispered. I honestly had no idea what i felt for Blake.

Lisa looked over at my clock and sighed. It was only 10 minutes until midnight.

"I have to go, but i'll come back on friday night!" she said as she gave me a quick hug and raced back to her grandparents house.

I lay in my bed, with my eyes closed. Did I love him? I asked myself for the hundreth time since he had walked away from me. I had no idea. My last thought was of Blake.


I'm running again, and I can't breathe no matter how hard I try. I don't need to look behind me to know I'm being chased by my demon. I'm sick of running, if he wants to get me I may as well let him. It's just a dream...it's just a dream...

I stop running and slowly turn around. He's not far behind me and within 30 secounds of stopping he's standing in front of me. I can't see his face, it's coverered by a black hood. His eyes are so very dark, but i know that they are blue. His clothes are all black, even his boots.

"What do you want with me?" I say, trying to stop my voice from shaking.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he whispers and I gasp. I know that voice. His voice...Blake's voice...

"W-What do you want with me?" I ask again. I wait for him to answer, but many minutes pass by, and we stand in silence.

I sigh and walk away from him. Not far from us is an old wooden bench. I walk through the dead grass and sit down on the bench. I look over and find that I am being followed...of course i am, i think and give a sigh.

"Why do you keep sighing?" my demon asks, but I ignore him. He sits down next to me.

"What do you want with me?" I ask for the third time.

"I don't want anything to do with you," he says, and i feel as if i just got stabbed in the heart. If I don't know him that well, why did that hurt so much?

"T-then....why do you chase after me all the time? Why can't I just sleep a dreamless night?" I try not to fall apart and burst into tears while im talking to him.

"I have to follow you..." he whispers.

"What do you mean you have to follow me? You don't have to do anything!" I yell at him and I see the pain in his eyes.

He stands up and faces me. He looks angry and hurt. "Why do I have to follow you? I have to follow you because I'm not like you! I don't have free will! I get told what to do! If I don't follow you people die! They DIE Adriana! You could be one of them! I can't...I can't let you die..." he yells at me, and I see tears running down his face. He storms off and I begin to cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2011 ⏰

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