A Vampire's Kiss ~Chapter 2~

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  • Dedicated to Megan Jackson

~Chapter 2~

I can't decide on which was worse. Being chased by a demon, or going to school at Dragomir High?

When I got to class this morning, I realized that I would never fit in at this school, for quite a few reasons.

1) All the other students in the school were pale, very, very pale.

2) Most of the other students looked at me like I was food, or something.

3) One girl chased after me, and I still have no idea why. Luckly some guy stopped her.

I was beginning to wonder if my auntie had sent me to a phycopathic school. I wouldn't be surpirsed, I mean, with the accident and all...

I don't like to talk about the accident, or my parents. My mum used to take me to school, and pick me up. Now, I walk. Walking to and from school gives me time to think. I think about things like: Why did I have to go and get my own parents killed, Why am I the only one that survived?

I don't deserve to live, but I don't want to die either. Sometimes i'll get so caught up in thinking about the accident, that by the time I get to school, I'm late, and I have tears burning there way down my face. I never let anyone see me cry anymore. I can't let myself be weak, I never let my guard down.

When the final bell to go home rings, I race out to my locker and grab my bag. I run down the halls and out the big, black gate, into the fresh air. Once I'm a fair distance away from the school, I stop running and slowly walk towards my house.

I stare at the ground as I walk, and I begin to think. I walk for a while before I bump into something hard, and fall to the ground.

"Watch it!" when I look up I realize that I bumped into the guy that stopped that phyco girl from chasing me. His hair is black, and his skin is...pale, just like all the other kids.

I get to my feet and look at him, "What did you say?" I asked.

"I said 'watch it'," he says in an arrogant voice.

"Why don't you? And why the hell are all of you freaks at that stupid school so damn pale?" I just couldn't help it, I had to ask. I know I shouldn't of yelled at him like that, but I had to show him that I wasn't weak.

He raised his fist above my head and I closed my eyes, waiting for it to connect with my face. A few secounds past and he didnt hit me, so I opened my eyes and looked at his fist. His hand was being held up by someone else...someone else was standing behind me, protecting me, but why? I dont even know anyone around here!

"Get your bloody hands off me!" the abusive guy yelled, at the guy that was saving me.

"It's wrong to hit girls," he replied. I tried to turn around and look at who he was, but I was stuck between the two.

"Don't you tell me what is wrong and right! Who do you think you are?" the abusive guy moved back a little and I slid over to the side.

"I was Blake Ryans last time I checked," the guy who saved me replied smoothly, then he turned his attention to me, "And where do you think your going?"

"Home?" I said hopefully.

Blake just shook his head and laughed softly. He let go of the abusive guy's fist and walked over to me. "Come on, i'll walk you home, seeing as you look at the ground as you walk, you'll need someone to make sure you don't get into even more trouble," he said.

I looked at him in shock, he was amazing. He had pale skin, sandy blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. I felt as if my knees would buckle and i'm melt into the ground.

"O-okay," I stuttered.

We walked in silence for a while and I thought about how Blake had saved me.

"Why did you save me?" I asked.

He ran a hand through his hair and looked at me. I stopped walking and looked at him. We stood there and I waited for him to answer.

"Because you needed saving," he said softly.

I shook my head. "No, I don't need saving. I can look after myself," I yelled at him, and then walked away from him, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Everyone needs saving, and everyone needs someone to save," he whispered as he pushed my hair back behind my ear. He walked away from me, and I stood there, frozen, even after he was long gone.

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