Chapter 9 - Feel my Pain

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Laura's P.O.V

      Last night was a hazy mess. I think Cassidy and Ross ran out the door or something. Riker ended up giving Jake a ride home because, they didn't end up coming back.

      I brush my hair and leave it down. As for my outfit I put on grey shorts, a band t-shirt, and a black hoodie.

      "Rydel, are you good friends with Cassidy?" I ask with no emotion.

      "Yea, she's amazing." Rydel smiles.

      I don't reply. All I wonder is if I'm the bad guy in this story.

     The bus ride is short and Jake just kept staring at me. He didn't smile, didn't laugh, didn't even look at me. What's his deal?

      As we enter school I glance at Jake. Is he mad at me? That's it I can't take this much bull anymore.

     "Jake!" I yell hoping he hears me.

      "Oh it's you." He said bitterly. Okay... what's with the attitude? Jerkface.

      "Are you mad at me?" I wonder.

      "Well duh, you broke up Ross and my sister. Honestly, what do you expect from me. She's hurt and it's because you were a whore. In case you haven't noticed, we are so not bffs anymore you bitch!" Jake spat. Woah, I've never seen him so angry!

       "Ross didn't tell me about Cassidy until 3 days ago. Don't try to say this is my  fault! Okay, fine if you don't want to be friends with me that's ok. I just want you to know the truth." My eyes water. Shit! Don't cry, Be strong!

       "I already know the truth and it's that you're a dirty slut." Jake smirks.

        I don't stay longer for him to say anything else bad about me. In the bathroom girls give me weird looks before they run away. I don't care. I'm to sad to care.

       Maybe I should just end it all here. Get rid of all the pain. NO! Vanessa wouldn't want my life to end like this. I'd be selfish to leave my parents childless. What if my parents don't even care... I bet they wouldn't.

        All I do is cry. I don't even know how long it's been. Then, I hear a noise that scares my shitless.

       "Laura! I know you're in here bitch!" A furious Cassidy screamed.

         Oh crap! I try to stop my sobs as loud footsteps come towards every stall. She's going to find me. My silent tears are rolling uncontrollably. I put both hands on my mouth to muffle the noise. At least I locked the stall.

        Ahhhh! She started to kick stall doors open. What if she stabs me?! I probably deserve it.

      "Cassie! Listen I know you're mad, but just calm down a bit okay." Rydel pleads. Rydel is here?

      "I am going to find Laura and make her pay." Cassidy scoffs at Rydel's request.

       In only a couple seconds my door is kicked down revealing Cassie's sinister smile.

       "Well, what do we have here? A piece of trash like this deserves to be flushed." She grins.

       She's going to drown me... "No please! Cassie, Ross didn't tell me about you at first. I didn't know!" I cry.

        "Shut up! Only my friends call me Cassie. As far as I'm concerned you're the enemy." She grabs me by the hoodie and plunges me into the toilet.

         She flushes the toilet 3 times, before pulling me up to the surface. I can hardly breathe.

        "How does that feel?" This evil person laughs in my drenched face. "If you die nobody would miss you."

        "Stop! Cassie you used to be such a good person." Rydel pleads.

         "I need her to feel the pain." My enemy's eyes turned even colder.

          Rydel runs out the bathroom before I am submerged 7 more times....


Author's Note

    Well this was very intense to write. We hope you liked it. Please comment your thoughts.



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