Kai x Yandere!Reader

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You were glaring at a certain girl who seemed to steal his heart. How much you wanted to shove her aside and take him for yourself. Call it selfish, but it's seems like true love. Skylor. The name left a bad taste in your mouth every time you said it. Kai doesn't deserve a ratchet like her.

'I will kill you. Just you wait.'

"You will be mine Kai. No one else's. Not even Skylor can stop me."you cackle.

They didn't hear you. You walked out of the hallway and toward the counter where the rest of the Ninja were at.

"Bye guys! I need to go to the shop."you smile cheerfully.

"Okay, Y/N."replies Cole.

You smile and walk out of the shop.

~After Shopping~

You walk back into Steep Wisdom caring a few bags of everything you needed to get your plan to work. Bleach, cleaning supplies, gloves, etc. You left some supplies in your car, for a few reasons.

"What did you buy Y/N?"asks Zane.

He scans the bag and looks at you questionably. 'Think fast Y/N.'

"Oh, it's just some cleaning supplies. Spring cleaning!"you lie.

He nods and smiles. He knew how much of a neat freak you were...in some cases.

'Zane. So naive.'

You walked to the room you had all to yourself. You dumped all the stuff onto your bed and take your throwing knives out from the drawer.

'I will make sure you will die in pain. You will pay for trying to take him away from me.'

You looked at your clock, 6:30pm, Skylor would leave soon. You grabbed the knives and put them in your hoddie. You walk out to help the guys say goodbye to Skylor. Little did they know that it would be her last goodbye.

'I wish the guys weren't here. You would be at my knees right now.'

"Bye guys."she smiles.

"Skylor! Do you want me to drive you back home?"you ask.

"Sure Y/N."she giggles."I could use some girl time."

The Ninja go back inside as you and Skylor walk over to your car. You rev it up and start driving to New Ninjago City. But, along the way you stopped at the side of the road and turn off the engine.

"What happened?"asks Skylor.

"Well, you know cars. Jay forgot to fill this one up with gas."you chuckle.

"Okay...I guess we could just walk from here."she sighs.

"Or...I could do this."



You jump onto her, pushing Skylor out of the car and grabbing your throwing knife from your pocket.

"Y/N! What are you doing?!"she screams.

You slice her throat in one swift motion and jump up avoiding the blood spurting out onto your clothes.

"W-Why?"she coughs causing a gush of pure red to stain her orange gi.

"You stole Kai from me. You don't deserve him."

"Y-Y-You w-won't g-get a-a-a-away with t-this."she whispers.

"Shh, you need to save your energy to feel the pain I will inflict on you. You're wasting it all on trying to talk about something that will never happen."you chuckle.

You kneel down and slice every part of her body slowly...painfully. With every cut Skylor grew even more weak, a hacking cough came out from her sliced throat every time she begged for you to stop. Dark red blood sank into the slowly melting spring snow. It only made you want to keep going.

"Aw, where is your Kai now? I guess he doesn't love you enough."

"S-S-Stop. P-Please."she begs.

"I'll stop cutting you. But, just to be sure you don't survive. I need to do something else."you smirk.

You walk to the trunk of your car and grab the bleach. You walk back over to Skylor and wave the bottle in front of her face, taunting her.

"P-P-Please. J-Just k-kill me n-n-now."she whispers.

"Don't worry, you'll be long dead."

You stand up and pour the whole bottle over her. The blood curdling screams filled the air as you softly chuckled to yourself, watching her skin slowly burn and the bleach leaking into her cuts. The way she yelled out in pure pain, regret, loss, death...made you want to watch her suffer even more.


You looked down at Skylor as her breathing staggered. Even knowing she was alive, you kicked her in the gut and laughed as she groaned.

"Are you dead yet?"you coo moving her red hair away from her scarred face.

She looked up at the sky and slowly stopped breathing. Her eyelids stopped violently fluttering and her cuts stopped bleeding. Your first kill.

"Finally. I thought you never would."

You grabbed the tarp from your trunk and wrapped it around Skylor. You put her in your trunk drove over to Mr. Chen's Noodle House. You threw her into the shop and struck a match.

"Let's see how well you deal with fire."you smile.

You throw the match onto the curtain and slowly watch as it speeds to the seats. To the tables. To the ceiling and walls. And to the body. You step back and admire your handy work. You then jump into the car and drive off before the anyone could see you. You finally arrive at Steep Wisdom to see the guys just relaxing and playing video games.

"Hey Y/N! Did you drop Skylor off?"asks Lloyd.

"Yep! We had so much fun! Can we switch it to the news? We said that we would see if there was a shower tomorrow."you say.

"Why?!"asks Jay."I'm in the middle of a game!"

"Listen to the girl for once."giggles Nya.

Jay just rolls his eyes and switches to the news. You all gasp at the sight in front of you. Mr. Chen's Noodle House was up in flames and firefighters barely controlled it.

"W-Wait is Skylor..."stutters Kai.

"I-I...n-no...she was fine when I got there!"you sob.

'That bitch deserved it.'

The screen switched and it showed Gayle Gossip on the scene.

"This is Gayle Gossip, and I am here at Mr. Chen's Noodle House. There seems to be an unprecedented fire. Sources have found a body-"she was interrupted by a camera man handing her a note.

She quietly reads in and gasps.

"W-Well. I-It has been confirmed Skylor, the young owner of the Chen's Noodle franchise is dead. I repeat dead."

Kai falls to his knees and covers his face in his hands. You internally smirk but keep a sad face.

"I'm...so so sorry Kai."you say putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I-I loved her."he sobs.

You pull him into a hug and helpfully pat his back.

"It must have been for the best."

'It was for the best.'

Yandere One Shots~Ninjago~[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now