Yandere! Cole x Yandere! Reader

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You were sitting at a bench right outside of Steep Wisdom.

"What's taking him so long?"you sigh tapping your foot impatiently.

"Y/N! Y/N!"

You glance to your side to see G/F/N (Guy/Friend/Name) running up to you gasping for air.

"W-W-Wanna go shopping?"he gasps.

"You really should train. Like me! I'm a ninja!"you giggle."And isn't shopping the only reason we came here?"

"Touche."he chuckles.

You two laugh your way to the mall which was a ways away. Little did you know who was joining you. You and G/F/N walked for a few minutes before bumping into your teammate Cole. He was with this...girl. Something snapped inside of you. Cole. With another girl. You always like-no...LOVED him. Loved him in a real way. Unlike the way she acted in those few seconds in line sight. The holding hands. The small giggles. If you switched spots with her you would've grabbed Cole by the shirt and kissed his cheek. Clinging onto him for dear life. But, you couldn't let him find out. Not now. So you flashed your sparkling smile and greeted them with a wave.

"Hey Y/N!"smiles C/S/G(Cole's Stupid Girlfriend XD).

"Hi."you smile."What are you guys doing here?"

"Oh, we're heading to the mall."she giggles."Me and Coley bear!"

"You mean Coley bear and I."you fume shooting her a faint death stare."What kind of girl can't speak proper English."

"Doesn't matter! What matters is that Cole's here! Wanna go together? Like go around the mall and buy stuff? Coley baby? Can I use your credit card?"she whines tugging on his sleeve.

"Of course."he smiles.

Did he even see that?! WHAT THE HELL?! I mean that bitch can't even...like. You clenched your fists surprised you didn't do anything...drastic. You really wanted to punch that little piece of shi-

"We'd love to!"smiles G/F/N."Come on Y/N."

"Fine."you chuckles.

You know this was the moment to get Cole. And to get rid of that girl. The walk to the mall was silent. All except for C/S/G rambling on and on about her new dress...that she didn't even buy yet. You all finally reached the entrance, you ready to tear out your ear drums to actually keep your sanity.

"Why don't we take a bathroom break?"asks C/S/G."I REALLY need to use it."

"Thanks for broadcasting that."you whisper.

"Yeah."you all say before going to the bathrooms.

"I really REALLY like Cole. He is so amazing and he is packed! Both in his muscles and finances."she rants.

"Do you only care about looks?"you grunt from the stall door.

"Why care about anything else?! He's hot! That's all that matters."she giggles.

"What did you say?"you whisper.

"Huh? Come again?"she asks.

"What did you say?"a little more clearly."Cole is more than just a pile of muscles. He's amazing. Funny. Kind hearted. Someone you don't deserve."

C/S/G opened the stall door and stares up at you defiantly. Being a few inches taller than her pretty much annoyed the hell outta her.

"Cole is mine. You wouldn't love him the same way I do."she sneers shoving you aside, walking to the sinks.

"You're right."

"What?"she gasps.

"I wouldn't love him the way you do..."

You walk up to her and grabbed her by the hair before slamming her head onto the running faucet. You covered her mouth before she could shriek. Blood dripping down the cut on her forehead.

"I would respect him, like he's a god. Cole's the smartest, cutest, greatest person anyone could ever have. It would be a waste for him to be with someone like...you."you chuckle.

Grabbing her hair again you slam her head into the mirror. The sharp shard of glass falling on her hands. Tears fell from her eyes as you grabbed a shard and put it to her neck. Before stabbing her stomach. Hearing the flesh tear made you cackle.

"Do you see what you made me do?"you giggle."You made me ruin a perfectly good bathroom. At least I made your face a little better."

You release your hand from her mouth. To grab another glass shard.

"HELP!"she screamed."SHE'S INSANE!"

You clamp your hand over her mouth once more and dug the glass into her arm hear a muffled wail from her.

"You kissed him. You hugged him. You fell in love with him. And you need to be punished for that."

You slice her arms, C/S/G neck, slowly crawling your hand down to her heart. Her face white due to blood loss contrasted with the red dripping over the floor. You placed the shard on the wall and shoved her body through. Her screams now only quiet murmurs sneaked into your ears before her eyes you hated changed into a bright red. Now hidden from others. You looked around at the room. The broken mirror. Bloody shards of glass. Blood covered floor. A girl. You looked into the broken mirror. Anyone sane would see a monster. But you saw a glimpse of hope. Of true love. You looked over your now red cloths and washed your face before leaving the bathroom. You were home free, but then you saw Cole walk out of the boy's bathroom.



He looked down at your bloody clothes as you looked down...at his own.

"What happened?"he asks."Did you..."

"Did you...kill him?"

Cole looked into your deep e/c eyes and you glanced at your bloody hands.

"Yes."he says."There's only one man in your life."

He grabbed you by your waist. As a tear slipped down your cheek. But it wasn't a sad tear...they were full of happiness, of thrill.

"And that's me. I think you killed C/S/G huh? At least we found something in common..."he whispers into your ear, moving your hair away from your face.

"What would that be?"you giggle kissing the corner of his lips.

"We're both underestimated."

His hand found his way to the back of your head pushing your lips to his own. That was the one kiss that made everything change...not even death could separate you two. For the only true death, was you. And him.

Yandere One Shots~Ninjago~[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now