Yandere!Jay x Reader

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..Apparently, possessiveness is love...

"The blue ninja is so hot!", "I know!" two girls banter as you walk down the streets of New Ninjago City. 

You sigh quietly, 'Why do girls get like this?'. 

 "Hey, Y/N, stop daydreaming." Cole calls out to you. 

You turn around to look at him, just as you were about to speak you get a tap on the shoulder. 

"Y/N? Can I speak to you for a second?" Jay asks you politely, but has a deadly look in his brownish, orange eyes.

"What do you want to talk to her for?"Cole asks, glaring at the ninja of Lightning.

You see, Cole was your best friend as of just a few months ago. And from what happened between him and Jay, Cole would probably not want to cause more drama.

"Please...Y/N." Jay pleads. 

"Sure."you nod slowly.

"Good." Jay smiles, taking your hand and pulling you into the park. 

"Jay what is thi-"

You were cut off by Jay hugging you tightly to his chest. 

"Y/N..." He growls your name from the crook of your neck.

"J-Jay...what are you doing?!"you inquire, trying to push his body off but to no avail.

"Y/N...you don't belong with Cole. You're too good for someone as low as him."He states, pulling away slightly to look at you.

 "W-What's wrong Jay?"you ask; him stroking your cheek lovingly.

"Nothing's wrong, I've never been better." he says, finally pulling away fully. 

'N-Nya...what is she going to think if she sees us like-'your thoughts were interrupted by a girl like scream. 

"Y-Y/N, why?"your friend, Nya asks as her tears start to fall.

"Nya...I..."you began to explain but Nya runs off.

"No! I told you everything about Jay, and you just take him away from me!" She yells at you as she runs out of the park.

 You stare at the direction she ran and start to run but, Jay stops you by hugging you from behind.

"Y/N, please calm down." he says, trying to stop you from leaving.

"Jay...you...are....a complete jerk!"you yell as you push him away and run towards Nya's silhouette.

You hear him call out to you but you don't turn around. But once you used up all your energy you fall to the ground next to a brick wall. In an abandoned part of the city. 'Jerk...Jerk, Jerk!!'you yell in your mind as you punch the wall repeatedly. As you do this you feel a growing pain in your knuckles.

...You see blood...

"Dammit!"you yell as you crouch down, cringing in pain.

"Do you need some help with that?" A beautiful male voice asks you. 

"Oh Cole, yeah I could- oh it's just you Jay."you say, sadness overtaking your voice and facial expression.

"Y/N..." he growls quietly, grabbing your wrist.

"Jay...p-please, you're hurting me."you say; his grip becomes tighter and tighter.

"Y/N...." he says, pulling you towards him by your waist.

He lowers his face to your neck and lingers there. 

"Jay...what are you do-"you were cut off by a huge pain increasing in your neck.

'O-oh no...he's...'you think, screaming for help.

"Y/N!"Cole yells. "Cole."you see his face before you vision blurs and then blacks out.

~Timeskip~Brought to you by Yuno Gasai~Yukki! <3~

You felt like you were floating...no wait, you're on a bed.

"Where am I?"you ask quietly looking around an unfamiliar room.

"Y/N, you're awake. Great."you hear from the shadows.

"Jay...where am I? And why do I feel...odd?"you ask, gripping your throat.

"You must be...thirsty." He says, coming close so that you can see his face."And you don't need to worry about Cole. I took care of him."

Your eyes widened as you remembered.


"Jay! Let go of her!"demands Cole.

Jay places you down onto the ground and stands there. Cole lunges toward him, a sickening, gushing sound was heard on impact. But it wasn't emitting from Jay...it was emitting from Cole. Jay stuck a knife in between Cole's ribcage and blood dripped down onto the ground, creating a dark stain. There was a thud and your mind went blank.

~Flashback Ends~

You looked at Jay, trying to make sense of all of this.

"Is something wrong Y/N?"Jay asks stroking you h/l h/c hair.

"You...you killed him."you sob. A tear slipping past your e/c optics."You killed Cole. Why?"

"Isn't it obvious? He was getting in the way. In the way of you. I love you Y/N. Please remember that."he smiles.

You sat there frozen stiff. You couldn't tell if you were flattered, scared, or...maybe even flustered.

"I-I don't know what to say."you whisper.

"Just say 'I love you.'"he whispers kissing your cheek.

"I-...I love you Jay."you whisper back, connecting your lips to his own.

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