Zane x Yandere!Reader

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You were with the guys in Steep Wisdom. No one was doing anything much. No missions, no training, no nothing. Everyone was bored...but you found something to take your mind off it all. Zane was sitting across from you meditating and looking all cute. Suddenly he stood up and snapped out of his trance.
"PIXAL. Would you like to take a walk with me?"he asks.
"Yes Zane."
You huffed when you heard him mention her name. PIXAL was still in his head. Ruining the moment every time. They walked out of the room as everyone just stared at the TV once more. But you didn't care.
'If only she wasn't in his head.'
'If she was gone forever.'
'I wish she was dead.'
With that you went to your room and rathered everything you needed. Zane will be yours and yours alone.
~When Everyone's Asleep~
You quietly tip toed out of you bedroom and headed towards Zane's bedroom. This was a pretty hard task. PIXAL lived inside Zane. You didn't know if he'd wake up once you eject her hard drive from his mainframe. But, it was worth a shot. You open the door with a little creak and stepping into the room. You watched as Zane's chest moved up and down. You walked toward him, glad he was sleeping on his side. You felt your breathing stop as the tension built inside you.

'Should I do this?'

You started second guessing yourself and Zane suddenly shuffled in his sleep. You jumped back silently covering your mouth from making a sound. He went back to his frozen, sleeping state as you quickly eject PIXAL's hard drive. Thankful nothing happened. You quickly and quietly sneaked out of the room and ran out the door. You had a few hours to fulfill your master plan. You drive to Borg Industries  using Nya's bike. You step into the elevator and go over to the top floor where Mr. Borg worked. You left the elevator see he was working on his super computer. This was your chance.

"Hello Y/N. What are you doing here this late in the night?"asks Mr. Borg wheeling toward you.

"Oh, sorry. I just came here hoping I could...borrow your machines for a sec."you reply.

"Now why would you need them?"he asks a bit skeptical.

"Sorry I needed to do this Mr. Borg. I though you would understand."


You grab his wheel chair and push him through the window. Shattered glass hitting the ground harmonized with his plaintive wails that filled the air. You turn around and studied the computer before finding the correct order. The build order. You quickly clicked the link and inserted PIXAL's hard drive into the system.

"What? Y/N? What are you doing?"she gasps her face filling the screens.

"I'm doing something that will benefit both you and me."you vaguely explain.

You type in the download for her blueprints into the computer. And the building starts.

"You are...rebuilding me?"she asks.

"Yes. But only for one reason..."

You take out her hard drive and walked down to the processing area. Watching as the machines rebuild PIXAL in front of you.

"So you could feel pain." you chuckle.

You wait in the end and see her new body. Looking as she did before everything. You stepped up to her and replaced the new hard drive for her own. Her eyes turn from a dark grey to a bright green.

"Thank you Y/N."she smiles.

" shouldn't thank me yet."you smile back.

Before she could respond you swiftly kicked her in the gut. Sure it hurt, but it hurt her as well.

"Y/N?!"she gasps as she fell to the floor.

"What does Zane see in you? You of all people."you coldly remark.

"Is that what this is all about?!"she cries.

You press her up against the window gripping her neck. Sure, she didn't need to breath...but it felt so right.

"You're a heap of metal that can't feel anything. Zane...he's different. He taught himself how to love, without help. You, you just let him change you like the machine that you are. (I was waiting SO long to say that to her face! >:D) He fell in love with the wrong person. You just needed to step in and change him. YOU CHANGED HIM!"with that you shove her out of the window and watch as PIXAL fell to her doom.

Nothing was left. The leftover scraps were run over by the own machines that are said to benefit others. You see the sun rise over the horizon and use your Elemental Dragon to get back home. You made it just in time to see the others wake up.

"Good morning Y/N."they greet.

"Good morning."you yawn.

Zane walks in confusion showing in his glowing eyes.

"Where is PIXAL?"he asks.

"What do mean? Isn't she in there?"asks Kai pointing at Zane's head.

"Yes...but her hard drive is nowhere to be found."he sighs."D...Did something happen to her?"he asks.

"Zane...maybe...maybe she left."you whisper.

"Oh hush Y/N. PIXAL wouldn't just leave like that."thinks Jay.

"She may be right. PIXAL is gone."says Zane.

"Don't worry Zane. I'm here for you."you smile.

You pulled him into a tight hug, knowing that you...and only you...knew the truth.

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