Chapter 7: Visit from an Old Friend

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Chapter 7: Visit from an Old Friend

Leila wiped all her tears away, smiling faintly at her parents. They looked concerned but returned the smile. Mason was the person she least expected to see.

“Hey, why do you guys look so sad? Come on, you heard the doctor. He said that I was lucky to have awoken from my sleep. I’m not going anywhere.” Leila chuckled faintly. She tried to lighten up the mood.

“We know that, but are you sure…” Her father trailed.

“Sure about what, daddy?” Her brows furrowed in confusion.

“That you don’t remember anything beyond your brother’s death?” Her mom looked at her, with tears forming in her eyes.

“I only remember going to home school…” Leila tried to think about the past. Her heart started to throb, causing her to flinch.

“I’m sorry sweetie. I guess we shouldn’t overwhelm you with all of these questions. We’ll try to help you remember it all.” Her mother grinned.

“Mr. and Mrs. McCormick, Mason told me to bring you guys this.” A girl walked in with a small luggage in her hand. “It has some of Leila’s things in it. He thought that she’ll need them.” She looked over at Leila. “Hey LJ, how are you doing?”

Leila looked at the girl closely. She was beautiful. He blond hair was curled to perfection and her gray eyes popped. She couldn’t remember anything about her, not even her name. Thought she felt some kind of connection towards her. “I’m sorry but I don’t remember you.” That caused the girl to flinch.

“Mason was right. I’m your best friend, but I’m also Mason’s step sister. Remember me?” She held out a charm bracelet. Leila traced her fingers over it. “A dress, ‘MJ’, shoes, and a butterfly.” Leila smiled at the beauty of the bracelet. “The dress was for the Valentine’s ball. I lent you one of my new dresses. MJ was the nickname you gave me. My name is Mary Joy. The shoes stood for the converse you made me keep, after Mason lost my favorite Nike shoes.  Lastly, the butterfly was the brooch I gave to you before your wedding. It looked so beautiful on you. Seriously, the week after your honeymoon, I thought you were on some kind of drug. Charm bracelets seemed too childish for me, but you said that it was the symbol of our friendship. I accepted it and gave you one myself.  I just don’t know where you put them. Mason doesn’t know too.” Mary Joy said with tears in her eyes. “I missed you so much, Leila.”

This made Leila cry. Memories of Mary Joy came flooding back into her mind. “You changed your look that’s why. I miss that brown hair and green eyes of yours.”

Mary Joy laughed lightly. “I wanted to try something new. You know, the modeling world can be very demanding.” Leila chuckled and smiled broadly.

“Wedding, you said wedding. Who was I married to?” Leila feared that Mason was telling the truth. She hated him so much!

“My step brother- Mason.”  Leila felt tears slide down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry. This must be too much for you to take. I can’t believe you remembered about me being your best friend, but not about marrying him!”

“I… I don’t want to be married to him! I hate him so much! He killed Louis, my brother! I… can’t fall for him again.” Her voice cracked. “I don’t remember anything beyond my brother’s death…”

“I’m so sorry. But what did you say? Again…?” Mary Joy asked, puzzled.

“Yes! I was so stupid then! So naïve!” Leila sobbed more. The memories resurfaced and it hurt her more than ever.

“Why didn’t you tell me? You only told me that him pranking you.” Mary Joy was confused more than ever.

“Yes! It was one of the cruelest pranks he’s ever played on me.” Leila said with anger in her voice. It caused Mary Joy to step back; she had never seen Leila this angry. “I didn’t want to tell you, because I know you’d do something.”

“Tell me all about it, please?” Mary Joy begged.

With that, Leila told the story about how she first fell for Mason…

--------------------------------END OF CHAPTER 7-----------------------------

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