Chapter 9

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Hey babes!

How are my wonderful readers?

I noticed a lot of you seemed pretty upset with the way I left things in the last chapter and I want to say that I'm sorry, but that's how I keep things interesting.

Besides, most of you were dying for an update after that, so it worked😉

Anyways, enough of me talking!

Enjoy the chapter and the pic posted above!❤️


*Louis' POV*

"Louis!" he gasps, separating himself from the douchebag.

"What the fuck is this?!" I snap, my anger overpowering my heartbreak at the moment.

"I-It's not what it looks like," he stammers nervously, using the most cliché excuse I've ever heard.

"Really? Because it looks like you're swapping spit with some dickhead!" I yell, causing him to flinch and recoil.

"Y-You don't understand. He-" Marcel begins to reply.

"I understand plenty! You grew bored with me, so instead of just fucking ending things with me, you decided to go kiss someone else behind my damn back!" I shout, my chest hurting from all the heartache it's being put through.

Marcel's eyes swell with tears as he comes towards me. I take a step back, not wanting to be near that cheater right now.

"Please, Louis. Let me explain," Marcel urges.

I can tell he's about to cry by the way his bottom lip quivers. My broken heart tells me to hold him in my arms and tell him it's okay while my mind orders me to walk away and leave him to cry alone.

Much to his dismay, I choose to listen to my mind, turning on my heel and walking off to class. However, I happen to see a tear fall down his cheek as I turn around and I can't help but feel a little bit guilty.


*Marcel's POV*

I watch him in agony as he ambles further and further down the hall.

"Baby, are you okay?" Josh asks, hugging me.

"Get off of me," I whimper, pushing him away from me.

"Marcel-" he starts to say.

"Save it. I'm not your baby and I never will be, okay?" I tell him firmly.

"Whatever, you cheating bitch," he spits, stomping away jealously.


I bite my nails restlessly, awaiting anxiously for the bell to ring, releasing us to lunch. I've been waiting all day for an opportunity to talk to Louis and lunch is the perfect time to. The only problem is that lunch is our only time together throughout the entire day, so if this backfires on me, I'll have to either chase after him in the parking lot after school or worse, wait until tomorrow.

What happens if he doesn't want to talk to me? Who am I kidding? Of course he won't want to talk to me; he caught me in the middle of a kiss with Josh. But what if he never talks to me again? What if he hates me now and we'll never be together as long as we both shall live? I can't live without Louis. I've become really attached to him over all the time we've spent together, from the day we first met in the hallway to the more recent days we've spent cuddling in my bed. Unfortunately, it looks like those days are over.

The darn bell finally rings and I shoot up out of my chair, gathering my things quickly before racing out of the dreaded classroom. I shove my way through the crowd, only being pushed down to the ground twice on my journey to the lunchroom.

As soon as I step inside, my eyes rapidly search for Louis.

"C'mon, c'mon," I mutter to myself, scanning over the sea of people for Louis' familiar face.

"Get out of my way, nerdy slut!" a girl barks at me, shoving me to the side.

I grumble under my breath, brushing myself off as I sit down at one of the empty tables, looking desperately for him. For once, I don't care about the rude people in this school; all I care about is finding my Louis.

After a few irritating moments of scouring for him, I finally spot him in the back corner of the cafeteria, sitting alone with a tray full of food placed on his lap.

"Louis!" I call, running over to him.

His eyes widen and darken over with rage as he starts to stand up.

"Wait!" I beg, grabbing his arm to hold him in place.

"What do you want, Marcel?" he asks in annoyance.

"Please, please give me a chance to explain," I sigh sadly, wishing I could go back in time and make sure that that kiss never happened.

"Why should I? It's pretty clear what happened," he mumbles.

"Would it change your mind if I told you that he kissed me?" I ask, grabbing his attention.

"Keep talking," he nods, looking at me attentively.

*flashback to this morning*

I walk to my locker in anticipation, really looking forward to seeing Louis this morning. I've been missing him all weekend and I am absolutely itching to finally be able to kiss him and hug him again.

"Hey, Marcel," I hear behind me.

I turn around to see Josh, one of the most popular boys in school. He is on the footie team and he's incredibly good at it. Not to mention, he's also pretty attractive.

"Oh um, h-hi, Josh," I stutter, unsure of why he, of all people, is talking to me.

"What's up, sexy?" he winks, stepping towards me.

"N-Nothing. Um, what are you-" I begin to question him.

"Just hush, babe," he smirks, pinning me against my locker as he kisses me.

I try to wriggle away from him, but he pins my arms back to where I can't escape, leaving me to stand there with a heart heaving with guilt.


"You swear he kissed you?" he asks me hesitantly.

"Cross my heart and hope to die," I assure him.

He sighs heavily, standing to his feet.

"I believe you, Marcel, but I'm going to need some time apart to clear my head and forget about this kiss, alright?" he tells me.

"Ye-Yeah, I understand," I whimper and just run out of the cafeteria like he did a little while back, not able to contain my tears anymore.


How was that chapter?

I hope you guys like it; I tried to make it longer for you😊

Please comment what you thought of the chapter.

What do you think of Louis' decision?

Anyone mad at Marcel?

Thank you so much for 570 reads!
That means a lot!💕💕

I love my crazy mofos always💟




[Dedication to Ari_islove for being such a good friend and reading every chapter of all my books. Love you, girl💜]


[Book Cover credits to rogueink ]

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