Chapter 17

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Hello, it's me!

How are you all? I am super pumped for this chapter. I have actually had it planned for like a week, but I got sick last weekend, so I couldn't upload it.

However, I am all better now and ready to write!

I hope you all like this chapter. I have been looking forward to writing it all week, so I hope you love it as much as I do.

Please give the song above a listen. Pentatonix is seriously amazing!

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!



*Marcel's POV*

I excitedly ready myself for my date with Louis. After making up with him at his house, we decided it would be nice to have a little date at him to assure each other that we're okay and just forget about everything and focus on one another. It took some playful arguing, but I finally talked him into having a cute dinner date at my house. We always seem to go out when we go on dates, so I thought it would be a nice change of scenery to share a meal at my house.

I change into a blue shirt with white stars all over it and a pair of black skinny jeans, wincing as I struggle to tug them up my legs. When I finally pull them all the way up, I button and zip them, walking into my bathroom to brush my teeth. I wash my face and spray on some cologne that I know Louis loves, looking in the mirror to decide what to do with my hair. A few moments later, I smirk and brush out my long curls, remembering how turned on Louis was by me leaving my hair down. 

As soon as I finish untangling my hair, I hear a knock at the door and panic; Louis isn't supposed to be here for another half hour. I rush downstairs and open the door only to reveal Zayn wearing all black with a drink in his hand.

"Zayn? What are you doing here?" I ask in confusion.

I take notice of his glossy eyes and the way he seems to have trouble standing up straight. I peer into the cup and gasp when I see that alcohol fills the red solo cup. My eyes widen in realization; Zayn is drunk.

"I'm here to teach you a lesson," he slurs, yanking me outside.

"What are you talking about? I haven't done anything," I frown, breaking away from his harsh hold on my arm.

I look up and see Niall and Harry standing outside with the same drunk appearance and red solo cups in hand. I gulp nervously, unsure of what's going to happen next. When someone is drunk, it's hard to know what they'll do. Drunks are often unpredictable unless you've seen them drunk before. As far as I know, this is the first time I have witnessed any of them drunk, so I have no idea what they're capable of doing.

"You lying bitch! You stole Louis away from us! He used to be a part of our group until you came along!" he screams, charging at me.

Before I can react, he knocks me down, my back thudding against the grass. I groan in pain, trying to push him off of me. He throws his drink away and pins my arms down, smirking at his dominance over me. He looks at the other two and motions with his head for them to come over. They tower over me and begin to punch me in the face, Harry socking me right in the nose. 

Blood gushes out of my nose at a fast pace as it throbs in discomfort. A pained cry escapes my busted lip, only provoking them further. Zayn rolls off of me and I take this as my opportunity to run away. Much to my avail, he stamps his foot over my stomach, most likely bruising it. I scream at the extreme pain I am already in, causing him to laugh. 

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