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Hey guys!

I know it's been a while since you've last heard from me and that is exactly what I want to address to you all.

Now, I want to be completely honest here....

I haven't felt much inspiration to write lately. It's not your fault at all as a reader. I have just been having trouble coming up with ideas to keep this story going and I have felt so pressured to update every week that it literally stresses me out and I just can't.

This doesn't mean that I hate my readers by any means; I love you guys. This doesn't mean I have lost my love for writing either. I am still very in love with writing. I just need something to keep me going(:

Speaking of which, I am going to put this book on hold just for a little while so that I can plan out this book more. This means that I will plan out what will happen in each chapter and figure out how to end it before writing again. In fact, thanks to fireproof_stylinson , my best friend on here, I have an idea for how to end this story.

I am so sorry to anyone who is disappointed by me putting this on hold or not updating in a while. You don't know how bad I feel about this, truly. I am honestly so scared to post this because I don't want to hurt anyone, but I think you guys should know.

Another thing to know is that I will be going to Disneyland tomorrow afternoon with my school's orchestra and won't return until Monday morning. We are on a very tight schedule, so I'll be very busy the entire time. Therefore, I will not be able to write. However, I am going to try my best to update as soon as possible once I'm done with my planning.

Thank you for understanding. Thank you to all who continue to support me and follow me and read my stories. Thank you to any new readers who see this. I love you all so much, new or not.

Anddddddd before I forget, I am coming out with a new book after I finish this one called Social Casualty!! It is a fem!Harry and bottom!Harry so get excited(;

That is all for now. Again, thank you for understanding and supporting me. I love you guys with all my heart. You are amazing❤️


~Haley, the author x

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