Chapter #11

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I'm running. Trees flash past me. Adaline's running ahead of me. Suddenly, she gets shot again and crumples to the ground. Then Sam grabs her hand and pulls her up and they walk over until they are standing in front of me.
Adaline pushes me over a cliff and Sam smiles.
I can't stop falling. I can't find purchase on the walls that seem to be closing in on me. I scramble to find something, anything, to hold onto. The walls seem to be perfectly smooth and my hands just jeep sliding down.
I see Adaline smile just as I'm about to crash to the ground.
Then everything turns white.
There's a very bright light in my eyes.
But instead of being at the end of a tunnel like people say it's supposed to be, it's at the end of a doctor's hand.
"He's alive!" She cries out to the other doctors in relief. "You gave us a real scare there! You were out for almost 4 days! Sam totally overdosed you on that stuff!" She tells me, almost yelling the entire time.
I look around. I'm in a hospital similar to the one that I got the Chip put in at.
Bright lighting with beds lining one wall and inspiring posters with sayings like "Hang in there!" and "You can do it!"
I look to my right and see a bed curtained off from the rest of the room with doctors and nurses rushing in and out.
I look to my left and see a few members of the Storm watching my every move. There is no doubt in my mind that they have the Chip now that I know the Storm is recruiting double agents.
I turn back to the doctor who's writing on clipboard. She doesn't notice me so I clear my throat but it turns into a coughing fit.
My lungs and throat feel like they're going to come out of my body. The same way that they do when I inhale a lot of smoke. Or actually they feel like they're on fire.
I sit up and pull my knees to my chest which springs a whole new set of painful sensations so I just fall back onto the bed.
The doctor rushes to my side and holds down my chest until my body stops spasming.
"Are you all right?" She asks, not even waiting for my response before gesturing to a nurse walking by to come over here.
I manage to nod before she has an army of medical professionals looking me over.
"Are you sure?" She checks, putting up a hand to stop the nurse from leaving. I nod again and she puts her hand down. As the nurse leaves she mouthes a thank-you at me and I smile back at her.
She gives me a glass of water and helps me to sit up. All the while glaring at that nurse as she enters the curtained off area.
I pick up the glass and my hands are shaking so hard that the water is going all over me.
The doctor sighs as she turns back to me and when she sees my wet state, she holds the glass up to my lips and slowly pours the water down my throat.
"Where am I?" I manage to rasp out after I swallow.
"He speaks!" She mocks, putting the glass down on the table beside me. "You're in Grand Central Hospital. In-"
"Leowenburg" I finish for her. If we're in the capital city it won't be long be fore we're shuffled off to the capital building to face our punishment for whatever we supposedly did.
"How long?" I ask referring to how much time I had left before I was shipped off.
"1:30 today." She says with a frown, obviously she was one of the citizens who felt that we shouldn't be prosecuted for a decision made for us at a very young age. "I'm sorry. They should be here to pick you up within the hour."
"Where's the girl who was with me?"
"Different hospital."
Suddenly Sam walks through the door and the soldiers beside me spring into action. They grab me and pull me up from the bed and I accidentally let a moan escape my mouth.
Sam lets a look of concern slip through her stony exterior.
"Are you alright?" She asks with genuine concern in her voice.
I give her a snarl in return as the soldiers bind my hands behind me. All concern left on her face dissapears.
Once the soldiers are done she says, "Let's go."
They walk me down the corridor and through a side entrance. There's a hovercar waiting in the alley the door opens to.
They pull me into the hovercar.
Once my eyes adjust to the shaded interior, I see Adaline sitting on the floor next to me. I move closer to her and hold her bonded hands in mine.
"Are you okay?" I ask. She nods and jerks her head toward me as if to ask if I'm okay too. I nod and she smiles and squeezes my hand.
One of the soldiers is driving and Sam is talking to the others. I feel the hovercar lift off the ground and start moving forward.
We drive for a few minutes before I feel the hovercar land.
The soldiers lift Adaline and I to our feet. Adaline winces and I squeeze her hand before they tear us apart again.
When I get out the first thing I see is the crowd. They surge forward at the sight of us. The Storm almost lets them through but then they push back at the crowd and make a path for us.
Sam confidently walks through but Adaline and I stand back from the crowd. The soldiers holding Adaline push her forwards and mine start to as well.
I almost trip over my own feet but the soldiers holding me pull me back up.
The crowd boos, yells, and in some cases even spits on us.
I put my head down and walk through numbly, trying to block out all of the names they're calling us.
When we're almost to the capital building a man finally breaks through the line of guards. His clothes aren't very high quality and his hair is messy.
"Judgement day is coming and you're all going to burn!" He cries as the soldiers drag him away.
And somehow, I know he's not wrong.
School sucks but spell check rules.
Love y'all.

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