Chapter 31 ~ the Secret Meeting!

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Chapter 31

You showed up to your first class a little late. Lucky for you though, it was a Language lesson and your Al Bhed skills are quite good since you grew up in Spira. You sat with Sora and Roxas walking past Axel on your way. He purposefully made a show of ignoring you to let you know he was still upset. You'd have to deal with that later. The teacher Buddy was nice enough but his assistant, Brother, was another story. He was helping all the girls well enough, not that his English was all too good but when it came to helping the boys he flat out refused to speak English only using Al Bhed leaving a lot of the boys very confused. Gippal and you helped out as best you could though.

The next lesson was History, run by your ex-long-time-roommate, Auron. You were actually quite happy with Auron. He was pretty much the only person from your past giving you some space. Which was nice. You were also quite surprised that none of your classmates had questioned you about your mission last night. You'd assumed the boys would have told the others, or at least their roommates, as soon as they got home, but no. The only question you were asked is 'where'd you go?' meaning the boys never told, which was worrisome in its own way. You were also happily surprised that Auron didn't direct any of the lesson questions toward you. Probably because he knew you'd have the answers.

By the time the lesson was over you managed to slip out of the class before your classmates could haul you off with them for break. You had some things you wanted to think over in private. First of all what was with the second airship? It wouldn't have been Vanitas. For one he travels through dark portals from what you've seen thus far. Two, he seemed to be there well before you were and three it would be extremely reckless of him to leave such an obvious piece of evidence. Therefore the likelihood of the ship hijacker being Vanitas is super slim. It couldn't be a helper he has placed in the school or you most likely would have been confronted by them too. Another option could be whoever saved you but you had absolutely no idea who that could be but it does increase the likelihood of them being someone from the school.

You reached a hand into your pocket, fingers brushing over the cold, metal casing of that horrid music box. A shiver went down your spine just thinking about it. You needed answer, about its origin, How it paralysis you and why it only works on you. You also knew just where to help speed up your investigation.

You reached the room you'd been looking for and tapped lightly on the door.

"It's open," A muffled voice called from the other side. You pushed the door open and wandered into the room, its sole occupant immediately looking up from their work, surprised to see you.

"Kurosaki, I need your help."


"What is this all about?" Zack fussed as Sebastian herded him, Gray and Axel through the schools many halls. He had been lying in wait outside their classroom and pounced on them as soon as they had emerged ordering them to come with him.

"You'll know soon enough," he spoke sternly and the boys knew not to ask questions. Although the students didn't know the truth of what Sebastian was they still could sense an eerie air around him. They quickly rounded another corner and before they knew it they were standing in Makarov's office.

"Oh good you're finally here," Makarov cheered jumping up into his chair behind his desk.

"What is this all about gramps?" Gray asked taking one of the two seats across from him.

"I'll explain in a minute, we're still waiting on two more people why don't you make yourselves comfortable," Makarov spoke in his jovial nature. Gray and the other boys exchanged a knowing glance guessing their connection to this discussion would somehow involve you. As Gray was already seated Zack and Axel took a seat on a little, red, couch situated in front of one of the windows. Sebastian on the other hand remained leaning on the wall next to the door.

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