Chapter three~ meet the beasts

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Chapter 3

As you walked over to the last bed you realised you didn’t have any of your luggage on you as it was supposed to of already been sent up but you were yet to see it in your room. You decided the best approach would be to collapse onto your bed out of frustration. You fell back onto your bed and let out an exasperated sigh.

“Long day?” the fire ball red head smirked as he sat down on your bed next to you.

“You don’t know the half of it,” you exhaled.

“-----, was it? You’re our new roommate?” the other red head asked.

“Yes and yes,” you confirmed sitting up to shake his hand. “And you are?”

“I am Genesis, it’s nice to make your acquaintance,” he responded politely before taking your hand but instead of shaking it he quickly bought your hand up to his face and lightly kissed your knuckles. You couldn’t help but blush sightly at the action as no one had ever done that to you before. You pulled your hand away as the next boy stared his introduction.

“Hey, I’m Zack the best combat student this school has to offer,” the raven haired boy boasted with a smirk.

“Second best,” the blonde corrected. “I’m Tidus.” You shot the pair a smile not willing to offer your hand again.

“And I’m Axel baby, got it memorized?” The final read head said tapping two fingers against his forehead. “What not going to shake my hand?” Axel smirked.

“Nope,” You deadpanned. “But do any of you happen to know where my luggage is?”

“No, but feel free to borrow one of my shirts if you need to change?” Zack said smugly to which Genesis hit him upside the head.

“It is rude to deprive a lady of her belongings,” Genesis scolded.

“Awe Gen you’re no fun” Zack whined.

“Vincent would probably have them. He’s the dorm supervisor in room five across the hall,” Genesis told you.

“Thanks I’ll be back,” You replied getting up.

“Need a hand?” Tidus called after you.

“I’ll manage,” You gave a friendly smile before walking out the room. You had a very bad feeling about living there.

You walked across the hall and knocked on the door opposite yours. Number five.

“Just a minute,” A deep voice called from the other side of the door… Vincent right? In a few seconds the door opened to reveal the tall man that handed you the letter only this time he looked a little different. Evidently he had just gotten out of the shower. You came to this conclusion due to the fact that his long black hair was wet. Oh yeah and the fact that the only thing covering his torso was a black towel over his shoulders. On his lower half he wore low black sweats and he was bare foot.

“Oh you’re the new student right,” He said leaning lazily against the door frame.

“Yeah that would be me, ------ ------ and you’re Vincent right?” You replied trying not to stare at his slightly damp abs.

“Vincent Valentine,” He confirmed.

“Sorry to bother you and all but I was told you would have my luggage?” you continued.

“Yeah come in, it’s just over here,” Vincent stepped aside to let you in. His room was painted in shades of dark red, greys and black. In the middle of the room was an oak wood four poster bed, covered with a sleek black bed spread. There were other pieces of furniture scattered around the room but as far as you could see he had no sentimental items like pictures or posters and what not. Though you definitely like his room’s décor.

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