Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A screeching bell rang out jolting me out of my dreams and back into

real life. Today was another day of school. It had been two months

until I moved to London from Australia. As soon as I started at

Whittington School, (Wierd name, I know, it was something to do with

the first head mistress or something) I had become the Queen Bee of

school. I hated this because everyone followed you around, but I felt

special having loads attention but anyway I was a normal girl who

moved from Australia, that's it okay!

Sorry to sound so moody, hormones.

Anyway, I checked my alarm clock, it said 5:50. School started at 8:30

but my normal schedule was to lie in bed for 10 minutes while on my

phone, have a 10 minute shower, take 10 minutes to get changed, then

another 10 to do make-up and hair. I then checked my room was tidy and

went downstairs to have breakfast, this took 15 minutes. I then brush

my teeth and I'm down and ready about 6:50. I walk to the bus stop and

then take the coach stop and arrive at school at 7:30.

So I did my usual routine. I was one of the first to get in. My best

friend, Maddy, was lounging in the seat near the back of the form

room, tapping away on her blackberry. I took out my phone and bbmed

her 'I Can See You ! xx' Her head snapped up and she laughed. I could

see something was wrong with Maddy, her eyes hadn't got the usual

shine and her face looked wet.

'What's wrong ?' I asked her, pulling a chair up to face her.

'My mum's got cancer again,' She whispered, fresh tears springing from

her eyes.

'Don't worry, she's been through this before and gotten through this


I hated to see my best friend like this.

'But the doct-' She was cut of by the squeak of the door being opened.

We both turned to find Candy walking in. I groaned silently. Maddy

whiped the tears from her eyes and went past Candy to go to the

bathroom to apply her mascara again.

'Maddy! What's Wro-' She was cut of by the slam of the door in her face.

Candy seems like the nice type at first, but she is so annoying. She

is always trying to be all buddy-buddy with me.

She suddenly saw me.

'Charlie! What's wrong with Maddy? Oh by the way, I just LOVE your new

hairstyle, ohmygosh, you have to tell me where to get those cream

bracelets from!' She squealed, playing with my hair. My hair was loose

in curls, like always, why is she saying it's new and why does she

love it?

'Primark,' I said without any sarcasim.

'Oh' She whispered, disappointed.

The day went by in a flurry. It was boring like always.

I threw my bag onto my bed and turned on my mac. A 'New Message' sign

popped up on the screen. I opened my emails and checked what this e-

mail was. 'Probably just stupid fan mail from a person at school' I

thought to myself.

I was shocked at the contents of the e-mail. It said:


Your secret's come out. You remember your past right?

Well guess what little pumpkin, the whole world's gonna know. I'm

coming back.

Luv ya.


I panicked. I switched of my mac. How could anyone know ?

When are they coming back ?

What the hell am I meant to do ?


Hey Guyss, This is the first chapter of my story! Please comment & votee and yeahh!! Chapter 2 will be on soon :D <3

Thanks to koolkatfreakXxCHNxX who suggested the title of the story !! :D read her book , its amazing <3 !

Love You Guys !!

Sophie <3

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