Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ricky stood about a metre away from me. It was deadly silent. I could

hear his breathing. My heart was thumping rapidly and my breathing was

getting faster.

'Ricky, What are you doing here?' I calmly asked.

'I told you in the email. I'm here. Aren't you happy to see me?' He

grinned mischeiviously.

It all made sense. Candy had been the new girl this year, along with

me. She had just tried to cover it up by saying that Ricky was coming


'NO! You can't ruin my life like you did to my sister!' I shouted so

loudly that I shook.

'I killed her because she was unhappy.' He spat. I wiped my face.

'She was unhappy because you kidnapped her!' I defended.

He laughed. 'Poor Charlie! You've got no idea have you!'

'No, no I haven't! 'cause I'm just a STUPID girl who never gets

anything right!' I shouted.

'Now, now sweetie! Who said THAT?' he sniggered.

'You...' I replied angrily. 'When we were five.'

He lunged for me. I screamed and ran out to the lounge. Grabbing my

mobile phone, he closed in on me. I did some hyper-active random dance

and he stood there in shock. I grabbed my shoes near the fireplace and

ducked under his arm and ran towards the door. Jeez, how good were my

ninja skills getting?

I got to the front door and struggled with the lock. I unlocked in

finally just as Ricky got there and smacked the door in his face. I

could hear him growling and I had some time to run all the way back to

my house. It was only a 10 minute walk away! I opened my front door,

shaking furiously.

Once I got in, I locked the door with every lock.

'Charlie?' Ruby's voice sounded.

'Ricky was there!' I said through tears, before she asked.

'Ricky?' She gasped.

'Yes, Candy was a disguise.'

'THE Ricky?'

'The Ricky who killed Nicole? Yeah,' Nicole was my twin sister.

Maddy's POV

I hadn't seen Charlie for ages. Nearly a week. Candy came and sat next

to me in Maths.

'Charlie sits there, Candy,' I said blandly.

'Well she's not here is she?' Candy sneered. 'We have to talk anyway,'

'Yes?' I said as she sat down.

'At our sleepover, Charlie said she hates your sleepovers and that she

hated you,' Candy whispered while the teacher.

My head snapped from my daze.

'WHAT?!' I screeched.

The whole class looked at me.


'Madeline Kane! Will you be quiet!' Mr Anderson shouted.

'She said that you were annoying and that she wished you got a new

best friend.' Candy sneered, carrying on.

I couldn't take it. I ran out of the room, tears falling from my eyes.


Hey guyss, hope youre enjoying the story =]. it gets more interesting as i'm gonna do a POV from  Candy/Ricky :D x

Also thanks to koolkatfreakXxCHNxX for the cover :D, & check out her story ! :)

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Ly guys!

Sophie <3 :D

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