My Dulcet

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Part 2.

I was going through the isle of chips and grabbing all the Lays chips i could get and put it on my push basket when i saw an ohhh so good view.

I tilt my head a bit and enjoyed the view, he was leaning over at a meat and i have a good view of his ass. i took my phone out and took a picture and i giggled as i zoomed it.

"Hey, whoa what is that?" Hayley reached for my phone and i quickly put it on my pockets.

"Nothing, got all you need?" i checked my basket and thought of the things i still have at my house.

"i need to get chocolates for my sash." she said and shove a five big bags of Doritos and three bags of Lays chip.

"oh get some Goya for me kay? i need to get a yogurt and cookies and cream ice cream and stuff. I'll meet you at the cash register ." i said and made my way to the frozen section and started looking for my ice cream.

As i reach and place it on my basket i saw the guy with a cute butt near the fridge of energy drinks, he was tall and broad. He was wearing a light blue long sleeve rolled up and paired with a black slacks and a black designer shoes.

They say: take a picture it'll last longer. So i did.
I reached for my phone too quickly it nearly slipped out of my hand and took a few pictures
Few my ass you've taken like 20 picture.
And then he suddenly look my way and i froze.
His green eyes bore into my light brown ones that holds me in his gaze making me focus on his captivating orbs.
Uh-oh busted!
I took a last shots more like 5 shots hey I'm just a girl hehe and hurriedly walked away like my ass was on fire.
I nearly bumped into a lady i didn't even had a chance to say sorry cause i saw the cute butt (my name for him) walking my way.
Oh no.
"Ash" i heard Hayley's voice and i found her right next to the cash register waiting for her turn.
"Hal, can you do me a favor? Pay for my groceries I'll pay you when we get out of here kay?" I hurriedly went for the exit with Hayley shouting at me to go back.
See now you're punished. That's what you get when you stole pictures of strangers.
Shut up mind!
As i reached my car i got in and locked all the doors.
Wait why am i locking every door of my car?
Because your an idiot.
Yeah i noticed, deal with it.
As i waited patiently for Hayley i played a song Your body by Christina Aguilera just as the song was about to end i saw Hayley walking out with a push cart heading my way her face looked pissed.
Uh oh again.
I got out and smiled innocently at her.
"Not so fast, what the hell was that? Something to get back at me? Seriously?" Hayley's cheeks turned pink proof that she's really angry.
"No no no it's just, uhh I'll tell you later okay? Just not here."i said and looked around.
Hayley crossed her arms at me and raised an eyebrows the thing she do when she wanna find out what's going on."why not? "
"Because uhh just get in the car please? I'll tell you i promise ". I told her as i put the last bag inside the compartment.
"Fine." She huffed and got on the passenger seat.
As i put on my seat belt i saw Mr. Cute butt heading out the store my windows were open and he can see me.
He look at me and started walking to my direction.
That was my cue to turn the ignition step hard on the accelerator leaving a tire print and smoke on the parking lot and making Hayley shout and pray for her dear life leaving Mr..cute butt confused and dumbfounded.


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