My Dulcet

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Part 4.

After we finished eating. Hayley run up to my room to get a pair of shorts to change in.

"Astrid!!" She shouted from up stairs but still sounds like she's right behind me.

I went up to see what is she up to. "Don't your throat get hurts for shouting?"

"I thought you cleaned you room?" She said pointing at my things scattered on the floor.

"When i said i cleaned my room, i meant i just made a path to the door."

"You and you're laziness." She said shaking her head like she scolded her kid fro not cleaning up her toys.

"I'm not lazy, im just on my energy saving mood." I crossed my arms and tilt my head to look intimidating.

"You look stupid."She said and went to my closet and randomly pick a shorts and proceeded tp the bathroom while i get back to my business.............  cooking french fries.

I was munching my fries 8 pieces at a time when Hayley came and look at me with weird look.

"Whadt." I said and shove a few more into my mouth.

"You do realize that you can choke right?" She said taking a yogurt out of the fridge.

I swallowed and look at her with a bored look.

"Been there done that. Then bn there again several more  times, because apparently i never learn." And proceeded eating like a cave man.

She throw a plastic spoon at me and i throw a piece of fries at her.

I was shifting at my seat when i loosed my balance and landed at the floor.

"Did you just fall?". Hayley asked.

"No, i attacked the floor." I said with a duh tone.

"Back wards?". She ignored my sarcasm.

"I'm freaking talented!" I said and got up.

"Thanks for the help, oww my butt hurts." I slowly sat at my seat like a have an arthritis.

Hayley just laughed at me again.

"We are best friends, always remember that if you fall, i will pick you up ..... after i finished laughing." She said and laughed again.  

  Ever look at your best friend and wonder why the hell aren't you both comedians? Dang. 

I rolled my eyes and pick up my phone and scrolled at the pictures, yum.

"Astrid!!!" Hayley clapped her hands in front of me.

"Huh?" I look at her with full of curiosity. She just ruined my dessert.

"Uhmm .. i said Matt texted me yesterday, he was asking fro your number and asking how you've been and all those shit lines boy's use." She said it with a sour face.

Ohhh ... Matt the Cheating Son of a horny cow, ex boyfriend of mine.

"What does he want this time?." I pushed my food further, i lost my appetite hearing his name.

"What else does that bastard wants? YOU. He wants you back and i would love to see him try and talk to you and i swear to your feet i'll cut his balls with a rusty scissor!" She said with a smack on the table.

"He's not worth it, and i don't plan on talking or even see his face."  I got up and went to the sofa. i suddenly felt tired.

Hayley came and sat next to me, just as about she open her mouth to say something the door bell rang.

I got up and open the door without looking at the peep hole.

When the person in front of me was full view and my eyes recognized him, i wanna smack the door to his face.

It was Matt....

Matt the cheating  son of a horny cow.

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