Chapter 23

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I stood across from a door, an ordinary door, there was nothing special about it. It was what was behind that mattered.

"Axel?" I called out, for the 10th time. I sighed when I heard no reply, and slid down to the ground by his door.

I had really messed up this time.

And though his ignoring me was a clear sign that he was mad at me, it wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that I could feel it. I could feel him hurting, right in my chest and god it was awful.

He was hurting badly.

Maybe I was too.

I wasn't sure how many times I had come by, always hoping he would change his mind and open the door. But it never happened. It didn't matter how long I was there for, how many times I called his name. Nothing.

With a sigh, I brought myself to my feet, leaning my forehead against the door for a moment before turning away.

I didn't exactly want to admit it, but there may have been a small tear that ran down my cheek.

I didn't know what to do.

Sure, I'd been in arguments with him before but he had never gotten this mad about it.

My pace increased as I left the pack house, not really looking where I was going.

I gasped when I stepped in a pile of something.

Looking down, I noticed the floor coated in a blanket of white. It was snowing?

It rarely snowed here, never at this time of year.

I raised my eyebrows a little, looking up to see it gently snowing.

I shook my head, it was nothing. Just a little colder this year, I guess. Temperature didn't really affect wolves much, we were always warm. I barely noticed the cold of the snowflakes falling on my face.

I began to shrug off my jacket, about to go for a run. But a run wouldn't help. Sure, I wanted to work off my problems but running wasn't the solution.

I grimaced as I realised what I would have to do, it wasn't really in my nature to apologise.

With a scowl, I turned around and headed back inside, when I reached the door I didn't even bother calling him, just slamming my shoulder into the door, breaking the lock and stepping into the room.

I was a little shocked at what I found.

Despite the silence of the room, furniture was tipped over, feathers pulled out of pillows, it was just indescribably a mess.

I frowned at the sight, my eyes scanning the room until I saw him.

Axel was stood in the corner of the room, his posture rigid and his eyes a dark black.

My gaze softened as I saw him, angry as he was, he wouldn't try to hurt me.

I took a step forward, which he followed with a step back. I frowned and took another step towards him, once again he stepped back.

This continued on for a moment or so until I'd finally had enough. I growled and stomped towards him, practically backing him against the wall as I approached.

"Axel." I said, in a quiet voice that didn't sound like mine. We held each others gaze for a moment. Despite his hurt and my annoyance, I felt the both of us relax just at seeing each other. It almost wasn't fair. How could mates ever be expected to truly work out their problems when the bond made it hurt to not forgive them?

"What do you want Skyler?" He asked, in a rude tone.

My breath caught in my throat, just hearing him speak, hearing him say my name, sent chills down my spine.

"Axel we have to at least talk about it." I pleaded, my features softening.

He stared at me for a moment before finally saying "Fine."

I looked down for a moment, unsure of what to say.

There was silence for a few minutes til I finally looked up at him, not bothering to hide the despair on my face. "I'm no good at this." I whispered, "I just... I'm, uh... I'm sorry."

He stared at me for a moment, before sighing and looking away. "You're not fair Skylar."

I hung my head, "Yeah I kn-"

"You're too desirable for your own good." He muttered.

"Uh-" I began, but was interrupted.

"I hate that you have a past with other alphas. I hate that they still clearly want to be with you. I hate that you didn't even put up a fight." He told me.

"Axel you know I wouldn't have let it go that far." I whispered.

"Am I a bad person Skylar?" He asked me.

I was a little taken aback, "What? No, of course not."

He shook his head, "You're wrong. You don't think I'm a good mate. You won't even tell your pack that I'm your mate. I just irritate you, I might as well leave."

"No." I said firmly, "No!"

I took a step closer to him, I had to look up to see his face since he was taller than me, I grabbed both his hands. "Please don't leave me." I said, my voice breaking, "Don't, please. I can't... I can't live without you."

He didn't say anything, but didn't push me away. "I'm sorry that I make you hurt Axel, I really am. I just... I don't know how to deal with my feelings... I don't know..."

He leaned his head down and gently kissed my head before bringing up his arms and holding me closer to him, allowing me to lean my head on his chest.

I was a bad mate, I knew that.

I was just lucky to be with someone so forgiving, but I would try to change. Truly, I would. I couldn't live without him, I would be good for him.

I had to be.


Short chapter! I know sorry.

Most of the chapters from now on will be relatively short... I know, but I want to finish this so I can get more into my other stories, which is hard enough as it is, I have suddenly found myself in a lot of work which won't go away for a while, among other things.

Hopefully this will mean they will come a little sooner than normal though, I just want to finish it now, 7 more chapters to come + an epilogue, I want to finish it soon but who knows.

Please vote/comment if you liked it! Next chapter will also be short I think, but you might enjoy it more :D

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