Chapter 27

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We were making all the necessary arrangements. 

Axel was in another room, making a phone call with the new alpha of his pack, Ryan. From what I could hear, it sounded promising that he would help us out. 

My pack was training harder than they had ever trained before, it was incredible to see the determination set into their expressions, they were so unbelievably dedicated to this pack that they were willing to go up against another pack and fight for me.

The thought warmed my heart.

"Skylar?" Axel called. "That was Ryan, he's bringing the pack." 

We shared a long look, this attack meant something to the both of us. A chance to avenge our pack, our parents, our friends. 

There would be losses today. That much was certain. 

It didn't matter how completely we destroyed them, any losses on their side meant victory for us. It wouldn't, however, fulfil the burning desire I held to obliterate them. 

Myself and Axel both knew that either one of us could die today. I would be trying my best to protect him, and he would return the favour. But there are some situations where it simply isn't enough. 

We spent a couple of hours together, no alpha work, just each other. It was our goodbye, but I hoped I wouldn't need to remember it. 

A few hours later, we were interrupted by the prompt arrival of Axel's previous pack, led by alpha Ryan.

Ryan clearly worshipped the ground that Axel walked on, it wouldn't surprise me if he followed orders, it didn't surprise me that he was so willing to let his entire pack potentially die for him after just a quick phone call.

Axel, of course, was overjoyed that his old pack was so willing to help out, I could tell that it made him happy that he still held a strong connection to the pack he had been running. Interestingly though, he had been at my land for the majority of the time he was an alpha there.

The two packs, now united, began to make their way to Bloodmoon pack. 

Myself and Axel walked, I think there was a part of us that didn't want to miss a single second that could be spent together, in case the worst happened. 

We didn't speak much, but we didn't need to. 

We were both comfortable in silence, and that I was thankful for, I didn't know the words to say, I couldn't form them in my mind. 

But Axel understood me well, and he knew the words that I wasn't speaking. 

It was a relatively long journey, we wanted to conserve our energy so we didn't run. But I may have used my powers to unconsciously speed us up a little. 

So it didn't take too long for us to arrive at a large field on the outskirts of Bloodmoon territory. 

We waited less than five minutes until they gathered on the opposite side.

I was filled with pure hatred as I looked at them, their innocent faces, looking as though we were in the wrong to attack them. Hah!

"Well if it isn't Skylar Williams. Legendary killer." The alpha stepped forwards and said, laughing. 

"Well if it isn't Bloodmoon pack. Idiotic weaklings." I replied.

The alphas face fell, his mouth forming a tight, straight line. He said nothing for a while, seemingly visibly irritated. 

"I suppose I don't need to ask why you're here." He muttered, shaking his head, "But is this really what you want Skylar? Two wrongs don't make a right." 

I laughed at that, "Is that what your parents said when they had you?" 

"My parents are not wr-" He stopped himself, his tone angry before he calmed himself. "You won't win Skylar, you will never win."

"Try me." I smirked, narrowing my eyes just slightly. 

His eyes flickered down to my palm as I raised it, his eyes widened as a small dense black mist began to circulate around my hand. 

I raised my head to look him right in the eye as I laughed and threw the mist towards him.

It grew as it spiralled through the air, forming a kind of monster that knocked him off of his feet and had him kneeling at the ground.

I walked towards him, the mist holding him nicely in place, kneeling before me. 

I gave him yet another smirk as he stared at me with badly concealed fear, "You don't know what you're messing with." 

I began to slowly clench my hand into a fist, staring him in the eyes, he began to gasp for breath, his lungs collapsing inside of  him.

I lost my smirk and stared at him with utter hatred before quickly releasing my hand, and watched as he exploded before me. I didn't even blink. 

And then all hell broke lose.

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