Chapter 14 PART 1

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I'm really sorry about the wait, and this is a very short chapter which is why I'm uploading as part 1.
I don't have time to write this week as I'm on holiday with no internet and I had a bit of writers block also, when I get back I'll update part 2 as soon as it's written along with my other story ember.
Also, please vote! This story is 4 votes away from 1,000 votes which is incredible!! Ember got 1,000 yesterday as well and I want to say thank you so much! Comment if you have the chance!


I froze.

I began to shake slightly, I pulled myself away from Axel's warm, comforting embrace. I slowly allowed my eyes to detour up to his, and I saw the brief hurt in them before he composed himself.

"Oh my god." I choked out.

Axel began to reach out towards me, but my hand quickly flung up, keeping him back.

I began to slowly back away from him, it was odd to be so far from him without a piercing shriek ringing through my ears.

My hands were shaking badly, so much so that I lost my concentration and Axel broke free of his restraints, immediately running to me.

He held my forearms in his hands, I knew that he could feel me shaking. I looked up, once again meeting his eyes, "Holy shit." I hissed, breaking free of his hold.

"What the hell did you do that for?" I shouted, frustrated as I ran my hands through my hair, messing it up.

His mouth dropped open as he stared at me for a moment before composing himself, "Sor-" he began, but stopped himself, a thoughtful look graced his face before he turned his attention back to me, "No actually I'm not sorry."

I stared at him in disbelief, "What?" I said in shock, "You are such an idiot Axel! Why would you do this! You dense idiot! Don't you see what you've gotten yourself into!"

I turned my back on him, shaking my head, I only got a few steps before a soft hand touched my elbow, gently bringing me back to him.

I frowned at him, staring him in the eyes, "I don't regret it." He said.

My eyes narrowed but quickly shot wide open as he gently caressed my fresh mark with his fingertips.

"What do you mean you don't regret it" I asked.

"I don't regret it because I'm in love with you." he said confidently.

All my fight left my body in that instant, he loved me? What kind of sick joke was that?

"You... you what?" I gasped, shock overiding me.

"It's okay, you don't have to say it back, I just thought you should know." He whispered, "I couldn't bear to let you go."

I stared at him in shock before shaking my head, "No, no you don't you're just saying that." I mumbled, turning on my heel as I walked away from him for what felt like the millionth time.

"Skylar." He said, his voice sending shivers down my spine. At least he got my name right. "I didn't want to go through the rejection anyway, you knew that."

I continued to shake my head as I walked. Desperate to get away.

"I know that you wanted it too." He said.

I froze in my tracks, spinning round until I was right infront of him as I placed my hand on his chest, ignoring the tingles that were sent down my arm from the contact.

"What do you know about what I want?" I hissed, "How on earth would you know?"

He didn't drop eye contact as he replied, "Because I can feel your emotions."

At his words, I stilled. Wrenching my hand back as I turned and walked, again.

"Whatever." I huffed.

I heard him chuckle slightly behind me. His laugh was contagious, I had to restrain myself from laughing along with him.

Warm arms wound around my waist, pulling me close to him.

I sighed at my wolves content, the both of us felt whole when he was holding us.

Despite one part of me telling me to pull away, the majority of me wanted to stay put. So I stayed.

After allowing him to hold me for a while longer, I gently tugged him by his hand and back up to my room.

He seemed surprised when I allowed him to unpack his things in my wardrobe, unlike before when they were kept in his bag.

He seemed genuinely surprised at many things I had been doing, from holding his hand to staying by his side.

He still thought that I didn't want a mate.

Well I guess I'll just have to prove him wrong.

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