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I was inspired by this chapter (okay, she told me to do it) by RavenGirl101 :D thank you so much, and this chapter is dedicated to you, RavenGirl101!!!



Clan Leader: I say these words before **the previous deputy**, so that his/her spirit may hear and approve my choice. **Name** will be the new deputy of  **Clan Name**

Apprentices/ Mentors:

Clan Leader: By making new apprentices, we show that **Clan Name** will remain strong.

From this moment on, until he/she has earned his/her warrior name, this apprentice shall be known as **Kit name+ paw**

**Mentors name** you are now ready to take on an/another apprentice. You will be mentor to **New apprentice's name**. **Mentor**, you have shown great **Virtue #1** and **Virtue #2**. I'm sure you will pass on all you know to this apprentice.

NEW Mentor:

I call upon my warrior ancestors to give this apprentice a new mentor. **Apprentice name**, you have lost your first mentor, so your new mentor will be **New mentor's name**


Leader: **Mentor's name**, are you satisfied for this apprentice to become a warrior?

Mentor: Yes, he/she is ready.

Clan Leader: Then I, **Leader's name** call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. He/she has trained hard to undertand your noble code, and I commend you make them a warrior in return.

Leader: **Apprentice name**, do you promise to uphold and defend the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?

Apprentice: I do.

Leader: Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name. **Apprentice name** from now on, you shall be known as **Warrior name**. **Clan name** welcomes you as a full warrior

Warriors to Elders:

Leader: **Warrior name** is it your wish to give up your warrior name and go join the elders?

New elder: It is.

Leader: The clan honors you and the service you have given us. I call Starclan upon you for many seasons of rest.

New Name:

Leader: I call Starclan upon this cat to take away its name. For it now stands for who this cat is. **Cat name**, from now on you shall be known as **new name**.

Medicine Cat Apprentice:

Medicine Cat: **Apprentice/kit name** is it your wish to enter the mysteries of Starclan as a medicine cat?

Apprentice/Kit: It is.

Medicine Cat: Then come forward

**Apprentice/kit does so**

Medicine Cat: Warriors of Starclan, I present you this appretnice. He/she has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant him/her your wisom and insight so that he/she may understand your ways and heal his/her Clan in occordance to your will. Now lay down next to the stone. **Apprentice does so**

Medicine Cat:

Medicine Cat: I, **Med. Cat** medicine cat of **Clan name** call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this appretnice. She/he has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help, he/she will serve his/her Clan for many moons. **Apprentice name** do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from the rivalry between Clan and Clan, to protect cats equally, even at the cost of your life?

Apprentice: I do.

Medicine Cat: Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your true name of a medicine cat. **Apprentice name** from now on you shall be known as **new name**. Starclans honors your knowledge and certainy, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of **Clan Name**.

Warrior Cat NamesWhere stories live. Discover now