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Beep Beep Beep

I wake up to the sound of my alarm and sigh when I see that it's 11 am. It feels way too early to get up but I have to, since I have to be ready for the lunchtime customers in an hour. I stretch my tired muscles a little bit and hiss when I feel the familiar sharp pain in my lower back. Even after about two months working here I still haven't gotten used to it. Working here... well it implies that I'm doing it voluntarily which I'm not. I mean... why would I sell my body for a few bucks every single day, letting both men and sometimes even women use me the way they want. You know... sometimes you don't have a choice. Long story short - I destroyed my life, my career, my best friends' careers and right now I'm destroying my body.

It's been roughly two years since the big fight. I had money, a name and a Grammy. At that time I was constantly partying, living my life to the fullest. Alcohol was my best friend and soon I needed more. I started doing drugs. After a while said lifestyle affected my work as a singer. One cannot perform when being stoned and drunk at the same time. Pentatonix lost their record-deal and the tour was cancelled. Everyone tried to be supportive and helpful towards me but I knew that they were hating me. So I provoked a fight and left. Don't ask me about every detail, I was wasted to the point I couldn't even remember my own name.

However, I left town and moved to Chicago, trying to continue living like that. But soon, all money was gone and I had to borrow money and made deals to pay for my fill of substances once I had money. Of course that moment never came. I don't know how exactly everything happened but when I had hit rock bottom, living in a single-room apartment with nothing more than a bed and three sets of clothes, having used up all the credit the dealers would grant me, a social worker found me and helped me get clean. I was a horrible time and I'm somewhat glad that I don't remember the details. Yet I was glad to be able to see things clear. I felt free, wanted to start over, planned on going back to LA.

But it all kept coming back and all my plans were crushed. I still had to pay of for the substances and everything. The thing is, those people find you everywhere. One day a few men stopped me when I was leaving my apartment to go to the meeting of the support group that was still helping me to get to the rough part of my life. One of them was the man I call my boss right now. He was there together with Jeff, his right hand. They wanted all the money. Cash. Of course I didn't have that much. We're talking about more than ten thousand here and I was broke. The Boss then 'offered' me to work for him. I didn't have a choice. It was literally do or die.

A firm knock on my door pulls me out of my thoughts.

"I'm awake" I yell, put the covers aside and move up right away. I stand up and put on a shirt. "Come on in."

The door opens and a young woman enters my room, carrying a huge mug and a notepad. It's Jen. Jen is like the secretary here in this house, keeping appointments and everything together and makes sure that me and my few co-workers are always ready on time and fully equipped with everything we need. Over the two months since I've been here we've become pretty good friends. Besides my so called 'boss' she's the only one who knows my true name, my true identity, my past and the reason why I'm here.

Here is a normal looking apartment complex in an inconspicious part of Chicago. Only few people know what's inside. A brothel with about ten women and men working for the Boss. Most of them are here to pay off their debts, like me. I don't know many of them, most of them are still addicted to substances and I keep my distance. I only know Tracy, a nice girl who helped me get settled in. She needed the money from the Boss to care for her Baby-Boy. She managed to pay her debt a month ago and went away. Then there's the staff, people like Jen who just need a job to make ends meet.

Jen.. I focuse again on the brown-haired girl. "You're bringing me coffee, Jen? Does that mean I'm starting earlier?"

Jen laughs and hands me the mug. "Yeah, I just got a call from one of your lunch-break guests. He'll be here half an hour from now. Apparently he's going on a business trip and needs to blow off some steam beforehand. The rest is as usual. You've got your thursday appointments and whoever is interested in you when you're free."

"Urgh..." I groan. "Don't tell me it's Bill the Bull." I take a huge sip of my hot coffee. "I don't know if my body is ready for that, yet. Had one of those insensitive assholes yesterday."

Bill the Bull was my first one in here. Back when I just had realised what my job would be all about. I still cringe at the memory of it. He's ruthless and only searching to satisfy himself. Unfortunately he seemed to like using my body the first time and still keeps coming back once or twice a week. Well, of course Bill the Bull is not his real name. In here, people usually have no names. I give nicknames to the regulars and call myself after my second name if they ask.

"It is, Mitch, I'm sorry. I'll have to go on and check on the rest of you. Big Boss is out of town until Monday so Jeff's going to take over on the weekend" she says. "Thought I'd tell you in advance."

"More like he's taking me on the weekend" I retort. "Peachy."

She looks at me apologetically but I brush it of. "Never mind, gurl. Shall we hang out once I'll have a break? You have to tell me about your date and about life outside in general."

She nods. "Definitely. We can have lunch or dinner or whatever time it is. I need to hurry now, though and you need to get ready. Do you need to restock things?" Jen wants to know.

I shake my head. "No. I've got enough to last for the day. Thank you. Now go on before one of us gets in trouble with the boss."

She winks at me and leaves, closing the door quietly.

I take another look at my watch and cringe. Twenty minutes. I quickly rush into the adjoined bathroom to take a shower, style my hair and get ready for my customer. It's going to be short, yet intense. Bill is probably just going to bend me over, do his thing and leave. I've gotten used to it but since I've had a first timer yesterday, stupid guy who didn't know how to use his thing, I am sore. After using deodorant and a hint of perfume I put on some tight boxer briefs and the silky gown I've worn before.

Now I just need to hurry up and make the bed. All set. I sit down on the edge of the bed and take a few deep breaths, getting into character.

"Come in, I'm ready" I say once I hear him knocking on the door.

Bill the Bull comes into the room, already loosening his tie.

"Let me help you with that" I say seductively and stand up to open his dress shirt.

"I don't have time for that, today. Just bend over" Bill grunts and opens his dress pants, pulling them down together with his underwear.

I'd already expected that and do what he asked after letting go of my robe and shorts. I brace myself againts the wall when I hear him open the condom wrapper. I just let it happen, letting out well dosed moans and grunts while trying to relax to ease the pain I am feeling. You would think that after two months of doing this 'job' I've become used to it but, no. It still hurts every time, physically and mentally. I'll try to block out the mental pain by focusing on the physical pain, though. It works most of the time. Probably that is what's keeping me somewhat sane. That and my friendship to Jen. She makes me feel like I am special other than the men that are just using me for their pleasure.

Bill needs only a good five minutes today before shooting into the condom and pulling out. He gets dressed while I take my robe again and flash a smile at Bill, waiting for him to finish.

He hands me the money. "Until next time" he says before he turns around to leave the room. "Bye, Coby."

"Bye, Sir, thank you very much" I answer politely before sinking down on the floor, totally exhausted from the pain.

How the hell am I going to make it through the day?


A/N: Whoa... what did I do now. I really hope you like this idea. I have a plan in my mind and it might get interesting.

A word concerning sex and violence. There will be acts of violence and obviously sex scenes. I don't know how graphic it might become.

Please comment with your thoughts and hit the little star to let me know that your interested in this storyline. Thank you very much!

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