Chapter 18

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We spend the rest of the day on the sofa. James is cuddled up in blankets and watches TV while Scott and I try to get the earliest flights possible. We all really want to go home tonight but it's a tough job getting tickets.

"No, we need two seats that are next to each other. The third one can be in the cargo hold, I really don't care!" Scott is on the phone talking to a worker from the airport. "You've got three seats? Amazing! Two business and the third one? .... Economy. No, doesn't matter. The other two are more important. Alright, thank you so, so much!" He ends the call and looks at me with a huge smile on his face. "We've got our tickets! I'll get us an uber, we're leaving in an hour."

"That's amazing, thank you, Scott." I rub my eyes which were tired from scrolling through the pages of the different airline and look over to James who is sleeping again.

"You like him, don't you?" Scott asks quietly.

I bite my lower lip and nod. "Very much to be honest. But I'm not going to make a move just yet! We both need to get used to the fact that we're free now. And to be honest I don't know if this us is going to work out. I want it to though."

"I think we just have to find what he's like out of the place where you've been and how being in L.A. again will affect both him and you. Get to know him better and you'll see clearer" Scott advises.

I get up and hug him. "Thank you" I mumble. "Anyway, I'm going to get ready and pack up now, let him sleep for another half an hour. He'll need his strength."


"Are you okay, do you need something?"

"Mitch, chill, I'm alright. Just let me get settled."

We've just boarded the plane and found our seats in the business class. Sadly we had to leave Scott in the economy class. I've wanted to swap my seat, since he's so tall an probably not that comfortable in the tiny seat with almost no leg space, but of course he was having none of it.

The flight was quiet, we both spend a lot of time chilling and talking about random stuff.

"What are we going to do during the next days, Mitch?" James suddenly asked, once we got through our favourite flavours of ice-cream. "I mean, I know that I need to rest but I want to do something.

I chuckle. "I can understand you. But we're going to the doctor first thing tomorrow. You need to get a check up" I explain to him while caressing his arm softly.

He whines in discomfort. "Don't want to. What will he say if he sees me?"

I sigh quietly, I had already expected to get such an answer. I had reacted like that when Alex approached me last week.

"It's a woman, my doctor. And she's very nice. She's just going to look at the cuts and bruises and take some blood to get you tested."

"Tested for what?"

"Just a regular complete blood count to see if your body needs anything. I'm taking supplements at the moment because I'm lacking vitamins and iron. And well, she'll get you checked for STDs as well, just to be sure."

"STDs? As in AIDS?" He looks at me with big, frightful eyes.

"God no! You don't have an STD! Especially not HIV! They're doing the test just to be sure" I reassure him. "I was scared, too. But the doctor asked me if I remember doing anything there without protection. I didn't. And I never had a broken-condom experience. So chances are fairly small."

James looks up at me. "She knows about what you had to do there?"

"Of course. She won't judge you. She's just there to help you. Go there, please. I want you to get better!"

James sighed. "You're probably right, I need to get checked."

We arrive in L.A. late at night, being on one of the last planes to land today. Baggage claim takes it's usual while which James and I spend sitting on a bench together while Scott takes care of our suitcases.

James is completely exhausted and overwhelmed by everything, he's literally clinging on to me, whimpering whenever I would make a move. It's understandable though, I've felt the same when I've been traveling with Alex the week before. In the safe haven of my seat on the plane I've been so comfortable but some time during the flight I got anxious and overstrained.

The pain, strong painkillers and psychological strain just take their toll on his fragile body. I try my best to soothe him, get him as comfortable as possible by holding him and talking to him.

"It's alright, James, don't worry we're just waiting for to Scott to get the suitcases and then we're going to go home. Alex is probably already waiting for us. You'll be in a warm, nice bed in no time" I say softly in order to calm him down.

"Your bed?" he asks, suddenly sounding shy.

I chuckle and nod fondly. "If you want to you can stay with me. But if you want to be for yourself you can stay in our guest room."

"I wanna stay with you!"

I place a kiss on his temple. "Then it's a date."

Scott comes back to us, bearing the two suitcases. "Ready to go home?"

"Yessss! Come with us, James." I get up and pull him up with me. He smiles at me to show me that he's alright.

Together we make our way out tto the arrival hall, searching for Alex. I find myself, however tackled and almost thrown over by an all too familiar blonde woman.

"Oh my God, Mitchy, it is really you!"


A/N: Just a tiny, tiny cliffhanger. I really hope that you liked it.

Until tomorrow or Tuesday!

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