Wolf girl fights

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                  Cordelia POV
       Paul was in front of me and I heard a laugh making me curse all over again. "It's okay cores you are not dead you just turned into a wolf like us". Just then I saw Seth running with girl clothes. "Hey Seth brought you something  clothes go behind that tree and think about something that makes you happy or something calm"he said.

Paul POV
      She went behind the tree and we heard a small rip as the huge grey wolf thought of nice things and I was overjoyed seeing my face and chocolate cake which made me chuckle.We all heard as she fell from the ground because after being so big.

        "Fuck"she muttered making us erupt with laughter as she scowled. She came out in a couple of seconds looking hot with a pair of shorts and a Motorcycle t shirt. First thing she did was glare at embry making him smirk. "What the f***" she said. "The legends are true.... and your a wolf" said Sam.

      She gasped and sat down to absorb it and then blurted out "I'm hungry and confused and somewhat scared" everybody laughed and she started pacing. She got up and walked to Emily's but she looked troubled and nervous.

     She pulled at her long black hair and bit her lips which meant she was thinking. I bet I knew she was thinking about being a wolf. All of a sudden she let all her bottled rage go and turned to Sam angrily.

Cordelia POV
          How dare he lie to us thought my inner monologue. Sam had lied along with everybody else in his stupid little puppy clan and he never told me. We are siblings and almost twins except my lighter features and standing out freckles and red hair and he didn't even think that I was capable to take a secret.

     Something in me snapped along with my sanity and gritted my teeth sure everybody could hear hear me. I turned sharply making my bare feet scrape against the hard rock floor. I grit my teeth once more and yelled "SAM ULEY I SWEAR". He just started in shock. "What Cordelia Meda ULEY".

      "You know what? I am just sick and tired of being lied to. All my life I haven't even known what really happens to our parents and you lie and you don't tell your sister your blood anything doughting the trust I have and don't bring up the protecting you crap" I shouted making Jake a bit antsy. "He couldn't tell you it's..."said Jared and I snapped "SHUT UP STAY OUT OF THIS".

Paul POV
     I just looked between them sadly thinking about the sadness it must be to par your parents but I lost my mom when she ran away. She shouted over to Jared. "I had to protect you"said

      Sam looked pissed off slightly . "HA" she laughed dryly. Something within the two snapped like if for a second they forgot they were werewolf and fought like real human siblings.

      "You are such a brat" he said angrily. She slapped him square on the face making everybody ooh. That got him started he grabbed her legs and tried to carry her home .
    When she punched him in the face hard everybody was just starring and me thinking about how hot she looked and how strong she was. He slapped her making me growl and everybody gasp and then we all heard her laugh dryly and say "oh perfect little brother Sam has snapped"she circled him and elegantly knocked him out of his feet and she looked so graceful for a werewolf it made we wonder.
    He went to punch but she grabbed his hand and twisted it around making him gasp and cry out. "DONT EVER MESS WITH ME YOU BITCH"she shouted.

    As she was about to lunge to Sam everybody grabbed her and she growled and shrieked her face bloody and SAMs face as well. He just kept walking with a mad and sad look and Cordelia looked like she wanted to attack so I grabbed her waist and threw her on my shoulder and everybody started "Jesus Paul your temper is rubbing off on her" said Embry as I growl and bare my teeth at Sam.

    We finally got to Emily's house and we all walked in and she shouted "Oh no what happened" and rushed over to pissed Cordelia. "Sam and Core got into a fist fight"I said. She glared at Sam.

      "Sam what did you do??"Emily shouted. "Okay let's start from here"said embry. "Look we were at school and a girl came and kissed Paul and ooh weeee she was pissed she turned the girl over and punched her in the face hard. The girl slammed her in the locker and she lunged at her and yelled possessively about how nobody touched her stuff and Paul was hers therefore nobody could touch him. Then she shook badly and Paul over here carried her into the forest until she phased after she phased we can here and something happens to Delia. She yelled at Sam for lying about the death of her parents and for the werewolf thing. Everything went crazy from there she slapped him she got hit in the face they cursed at each other and she almost broke SAMs arm and we all had to take core out of there before she killed something" explained Embry hurriedly.

   "Oh And one more thing I think that she fights better in human form than Sam himself." I felt like hitting Sam in the face or worse I felt like killing him for hurting Delia her poor face must be .

Cordelia POV
    I walked over to the fossil to wash my face followed by my Paul. He held onto my hair as I got rid of all the blood. He gave me s hug knowing how stressed I was about Sam. I walked and sat next to Sam and Emily came over sternly and said "You to will apologize and be the best siblings ever"she said and everybody on the room stayed quiet. Hesitantly I stood up and took dams hand and have him a hug.

       "I am very sorry I lost control back there something inside me just snapped and I was mad" I said. He hugged me back hard and we hugged "Its okay and you were right I should have trusted you".

       "Okay enough with lovey dovy crap I'm hungry"said Quil and I laughed and sat down to eat and talk about being a wolf. Nothing about parents was brought up. " I am going to sleep okay I'm tired" I said and ran up the stairs to bed and put on Pyjamas  brushed my teeth and went to sleep.

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