Emily and Sam

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Delia POV
  I woke up my disoriented. The sun spilled through the window like river of gold. I had gone in the flight with Paul here instead of a portal because Magnus was very tired and after using all his energy to heal a mundane child he was so exhausted he couldn't even stand.

   Although he insisted Alec had taken control and sternly said no. He had taken his hand and tucked him into their bedroom and helped us get a ticket to Washington.

   But I know I fell asleep on the car ride back almost past 2:00 am. Being a shapeshifter took a lot out of me and I needed sleep.

    But I had decided it was run for me too sleep. Little did I know Sam and Emily would marry this evening. Emily had told me I had too sleep and get dressed and I didn't have to help with preparations.

   I know Paul was probably at his dad's house. Yah his dad had died but like before the 20 year old lived there. I know Paul texted me to get ready by 4:00 Pm.

   It's 2:00 pm. I get up shrugging out of the huge hoody covering my Shorts and tank top. It had gotten a bit colder than my body temperature so I slipped it on. As well as to act as normal as I could and at least fake I was cold.

I have two hours to get ready which was a lot of time considering I was a very simple girl. I walk quietly to my bathroom. The bathroom I had decorated on my own.

I pad in their my hair a mess and my face Groggy. My hair wild and tangled and my eyes intensely asleep.

After going in the shower the silence is to unbearable. I hate being alone I like friends talking and enjoying. I turn on music and just shower.

Panic! At The Disco certainly seemed to wake me up. As I sang to Nicotine in my shower. I didn't have a beautiful voice like Holly but... Hey. It was fine.

Paul POV
I was forced. I'm putting on a suit and tie. I never have put on one. Technically not. I hated it. Sam forced me. He said I had to look respectable for his wedding. Talking about how Emily would want it and Delia would enjoy it.

Which was a plus. Allways a plus to get Delia to like it. She was probably asleep still and I had to shower and put on a suit and pick her her up.

I missed Red. I haven't seen her in 2 days and the imprint is strong. I end up missing her too fast. Wanting her company, Wanting her positive energy on my side. Or her strange outbursts to explore.

Wanting to explore the forest or the beach or swim or play soccer or volleyball or dodge ball. Or build a house one second too playing with her motorcycle.

Or maybe it's a rainy day and I'm tired but she's not. So I look at her weirdly as she makes coffee and starts designing clothes and sewing. Or the adorable face she makes as she teaches me to sew.

I love that. Her curiousness her bright eyes as she makes something work or sees something odd and new. I smile as I quickly go to change after an hour of dousing off. Cologne will work. If I wanted to woo her it would totally work.

She would totally out make up on most likely which took a while so.

Delia POV
After a while of letting my hair dry. I painted my nails expertly a dark purple color. I know Paul must want to come pick me up and get over this.

I take out the purple cocktail dress I was working on and admire it for a second. It's flows and sleeveless. I had attacked a black sort of ribbon around the waiste tying into a bow at the side.

Great for dancing. I loved to dance as the dress would swirl around perfectly. The heels were stiletto heels with straps going up. As well as a chocker necklace set layered on. Then added on multiple rings.

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