Ideas and happiness

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Cordelia POV
I WAS WOOZY. I started to dig into my mcdonalds not caring just sobering up. Then the whole room went quiet as Emily came in she's been acting super mysterious since the Paul left. She's quiet. We all look worried but there's a Sam smiling so huge I'm scared he might say something like Cor your moving out. Emily smiled at my scared expression. "Alright Delia I've been keeping this from everybody for weeks and I need to tell you Delia"She says. "Aww crap do I have to move out"I grumble. She giggles "Yes I'm pregnant"She says. My eyes widen and I jump off the chair "YESSSSSSSS IM GONNNNA BEEE Shoshoni HAHAHAAHA YESSS"I yelled at the top of my lungs squealing. I was so happy I couldn't stop. "OMG SAM YESSS"I yell again. Emily smiled and so did everybody and they laughed. "Wow really speaking Native American now Delia"says Emily. "YESSSSS"I yelled at the top of my lungs again and hugged Emily to my chest. "You have made my day week, year, and LIFE Yassssss"I yell again. Paul smiles sweetly. Sam laughs. "Sam why didn't you tell me?!?"I exclaim. "We had to give you time"He mumbles. I slap him on the back of his head and hug him. "Children Children oh yes a child hahaha YESSS"I yell and dance into the living room. "Wow who knew children made her so happy"Mumbles Seth. "Sam I am happy so don't change th-"I was about to finish but Jake ran In the room looking destroyed. I hear Paul growl and bare his teeth. The Image of bite marks in my shoulder brings back from my current state of happiness. "HOLLY here is she?!?"He screams. That's when I snap from being quiet. How dare he come looking for Holly when he never even paid attention to her. "HOW DARE YOU ASK FOR HOLLAND"I yell."Whose holland?"He asks. Emory gasps as we all due. "Yah your little holly if u actually paid attention to her you'd know. Her name
is Holland Moon. She's like a sister to me"I snap. "Such a pretty name"He mumbles. I catch it. "Of course you would know if you didn't obsess over bells all the time and guess what Holly is with her brother in New York "I snap. He looked devastated. "Because bells is like a sister to me and holly is everything and the only dang reason I actually went to the wedding was to tell BELLA TO STOP AND THINK BECAUSE THATS WHAT ANY BROTHER WOULD DO I HAVE EYES FOR HOLLAND MOON OBLY NOT BELSA OR WHATEVER HER NAME IS BECAUSE JOE SHES TOTALLY IRRELEVANT"Jake yelled.

That made my heart soften. "Well Holly is isn't gonna talk to you"I say defiantly. He glares and I growl back. "Hey quit it"Snaps Emily. I take a deep breathe. "PLEASE HELP ME"I hear Jake beg as I make my way to the kitchen. I make a sharp turn. "You know what alright I'm going to call my friend just to see how she is knowing how she is she will pick up from me nobody else"I grumble taking my burger with me as I sit on the soft grey comforter on the dark green couch. I take my old black berry phone and dial. Quil snickers as I fit my big fingers on the small buttons. "I swear I need to get you an iPhone that thing is older than me"Says Paul laughing. Seth and embry laugh. I growl sharply and begin to call. I can see Emily and Sam went to their room to be happy while we are here. As I hear the phone give a small vibration the next words shock me. "Hello if your calling my dumb phone you better stop its disconnected and this is just a small message i am currently not home just In case you JERRY try to crash on my house. B..bye"Her soft voice says. I grumble. "WHO IS JERRY!!"Snaps Jake. "Jerry is our friend calm yourself before I hit you with Emily's toaster"I say. He inhales deeply. "OH OH OH I know. Holly is going to a reunion with the models. She's a small time designer as was I and I remember getting a letter a week ago. Holly was so EXITED I know it she's going there jk wonder her brother said so"I say. I jump up and high five Paul. "So?!? What am I to do"Exclaims Jake. "Well well well you lucky soul I was invited it's the day after tomorrow and I have to have my own homage dress to go so I have time
I guess and guess what?! I have tickets for 3 people it is me Paul obviously and Jake along with Leah I'm taking Leah"I say.Leah I never saw but she looked alert from the floor across the room being sad. "no"She grumbles. "Oh yes and I'm getting you a dress"I say evilly. She grumbles. This is gonna be perfect.

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