Baby emergency.

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Delia POV
   "AGHHHHHHH"I hear the loudest female screech from downstairs. I was sleeping at Sam's with Holly in the same bed. Alec downstairs with Magnus.

    Sam had to go out I don't know where. Emily insisted I stay with her because she hated being alone and heavily pregnant. She didn't even have to ask me because I was already packing my pajamas.

Alec also insisted on staying saying something about how we needed someone to feed them. Magnus had also stayed and they had slept on the very short couches. Poor tall Giants.

As soon as I heard that I ran. In my embarrassing superman Pajamas with short plad shorts. I forget about holly and jump straight down the stairs.

  "Shit shit shit"I whisper as I get there. "ALEC"I yell as I run to where I heard Enily scream. That's when I see her half standing half  kneeling. "Oh god Emily" I whisper as I rush to her.

  "Oh god I can feel it she's coming out"Emily says. That's when I hear and feel Alec and Magnus on my side. I start to panic what if she dies.

    "Relax just Ugh call Paul tell him we need a car ASAP"Orders Magnus as I let go and Alec wearing plad pajama pants as well and a black T shirt holds her on the floor.

   "Okay Emily Umm I don't know how to deliver a baby. But I hear maybe umm.. Okay what's your favorite food Em?"Alec asks trying to distract her.

   I dial Paul as fast as possible. He DOSENT pick up. I'm pissed at the world. On my second call does he answer. "AGHHHH LASAGNA"I hear her scream as he picks up the phone.

  "What the Hell Delia it's like 3:00 in the mo-"I cut him off.

  "Get your ass over here with a car Emily's about to give birth in the kitchen and Alec is trying to distract her and I'm frantic. HURRY"I yell.

  "Say no more"That's all he says as he hangs up. Okay. Breathe Delia. "Okay No don't scream just uh breathe. Don't yell just breathe just like yoga except don't move"He says.

   Emily DOSENT talk but breathes harder. "Good good good take some labored breathes"Alec says in a soothing voice and she does relaxing.

  Magnus looks shocked and Holly stands by the kitchen door hair wild and tangled standing looking worried.

  "When is Paul getting here"Magnus says to me eyes wide in question. "A few min-"Before I can speak Paul crashes through the door almost banging his head on the frame. "FUCK"He yells.

    Alec glares. "Okay Emily I'm going to very carefully take you to the car just breathe"He says.

   "FUCK BREATHING PLEASE HURRY"She yells for the first time cursing causing Alec automatically carry her outside. Magnus carefully opening doors as he goes. Alec goes in first me second Magnus third and Holly and Paul in the front.

   "Carlisle and Step on it"I order. Paul does so.

                      •At Carlisles house•

"Oh god"I whisper in Pauls shoulder. Sam got back suspiciously late and ran straight into the room his wife was giving birth. No hospital or the humans would see and freak out.

Our secret would be exposed. Nobody even had time to change and we all look horribly tired. That's being directly pointed at Alec who soothed her all the way here.

Not to mention he was fast Asleep on Magnus's shoulder curled into himself Magnus still awake stroking his hair.

Leah was not here but the whole pack was and so was Holly. She was not next to Jake instead drinking some tea she made sitting perched on a table.

"Yo I can hear her screaming"Embry said. I glare. "Well no duh you shit head she's having a baby"I say. Embry glared. "I wonder if the baby's gonna be a wolf"asked Jared. "Probably with all these bloo-"Before Jared could finish Rosalie entered glaring.

"Shut it mutt"She growled. Alice follows rolling her eyes next to Bella with her flawless completion. "Rosalie be kind and don't worry about Ness she's with Edward"she says sitting next to Jake.

Holly does not glare instead they both glare lividly at each other. "Idiot"She grumbles as she sets to walking outside and slamming the door. Which significantly wakes up Alec.

   He stands up in shock. "Where's Holly?"Alec asks. "She stormed off because mutt number 1 upset her"Rosalie says smirking waiting for his fighting response.

   Before anything could happen Paul cuts in "Calm down alright there's a child being born and it won't be easy if she hears commotion" he says.

    Instead Alec glares at Jake and sits on the couch. "Aren't you gonna make her feel better like you ALLWAYS do huh?"Jake asks angrily. "Jacob don't get to me bud"Alec says in the quietest most threatening way.

   "Why? Huh what are you gonna go about it? Are you gonna shoot an arrow  at me?. Are you gonna shoot me down or call little ol Magnus to help" Jake says tauntingly . Alec stands up again and nears him quietly. "Your on thin ice wolf boy. Holly allready hates you and if you even come near her expect me to rip your head right off. Don't makes my comments about Magnus or anybody else"He says.

   It's all quiet. But Jake wants to defend himself. "Shut Up Jake. If you don't want me to hit you"I say as we hear Emily's screams decrease.

   After a while of silence Sam comes out smiling. "THE CHILD LET ME SEE"I sqeal. Paul laughs at my impatience.

   We all go two by two to see the baby. First it's me and Paul. Yay. I near the bed and she's allready tanner than me. "OOH"I say as I beat her more and sneak a glance. Her eyes are closed but she looks beautiful. She barely had hair just a patch of dark hair.

    I sqeal. This is gonna be so fun.

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