Chapter 6

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Nastasia. Her name was Nastasia.
How do I know?

Baby! Baby child! Where are you?

It's all I heard. I could see a meadow with daisy, tulips, roses, dandelions and many more beautiful flowers around it. Distance away I could see a tree. A tree with a rope tied to it. When I glanced to the left I saw a lady. She just stood there staring at the tree. I couldn't see what it was so I moved closer.

Then I saw it.

There was a girl. On the tree. Hanging. Hanging by the rope.

The lady fell to her knees. She didn't scream she didn't cry. She just sat there. After a while she got up. By the time I cathced up to her to hear what she was saying to the girl I noticed it was her the girl in my dreams. The one with the gray eyes and beautiful hair. The one bombarding my dreams, the one hating my friends for pleasing me, The one driving me crazy. All I got to hear was,

"I love you Nastasia"

And then, I woke up.

Trying not to think about Nastasia, I got dressed and ready for school. I decide to go with denim jeggings and a blue and red squared flannel. I wore my hair crunched.

By the time I got to school Macy was waiting for me at our usual breakfast table. She had her eyes locked in the screen of her phone, squinting her eyes, moving her lips and scrolling up slowly. Like she was reading something. Slamming my backpack on the table, she finally looked up,

"Bitch you scared me!"

"Well you were ignoring me"

And cue the dramatic hair flip
Sitting down, Macy put her phone down and looked at ne,


"I've been reading..."

Uh oh. She never does this unless she needs answers. That she's determined to find.

"I've been reading this page thing, it's about ... Ghost. About supernatural"

Seeing that I wasn't going to say anything she continued

"It says that ghost are often looking for something ... Or someone .
It says that they often go for the weaker person and try to use them. That they often use them to finish what they didn't have time to. But it also says that the sometimes they just look after you. Like that one ghost in that one movie where it protected the the little girl. They like ... They ... Mess with your mind and make you see stuff. They show up at your school, your house, your dreams."

Was Nastasia protecting me from something? Or someone?

"It also says that sometimes they make themselves so attractive and make you fall helplessly in love with them"

Didn't I say she drove me crazy? She drives me nuts of course but also like how your crushes hair and eyes drive you crazy.. What is she trying to do? What does this mean? Could there be someone after me? Could there be ... A possibility that she's trying to make me fall for her? She's a ghost. That's impossible. Or is it?

Yeah I know I'm a sorry ass writer, but I try. No one even reads my books they BEARLY get 1 view. My last 2 books that (one was on like 10 chapters and the other one in 2) I wrote had mooore on one chapter than these combined. Wtf. What do I need to do different?

If I could remember what I wrote I would write them again, but I can't.
But you can still even just scroll past the book without even reading to give me a view.

Should I stop writting?

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