Ch. 1: The Call That Changes Everything

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Ariana's POV

I don't know exactly why Justin chose fame over me.

I'm not surprised though. He likes to win in life, and with all the money and attention, he wins.

I lose.

Unless I agree to be apart of scooters label. But I don't know if I want to. I don't want to just do it to get him back.

After he said fame, he just turned away and walked off to the practice room. He's so confusing, and it bothers me.

I want to know why he chose fame.

Justin's POV

I didn't choose fame because I loved the money, attention, fans, any of that.

In fact, I could live without it.

I chose fame because I love her, but she obviously didn't love me completely. I didn't want to bother her anymore. She hated the attention, and I never had time for her.

She likes Kyle anyways, she just won't admit it.

If Kyle can give her the time she needs, he won. I can't give her time, I'm too busy.

If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, then it's meant to be.

It's been a week since that while situation. She flew back to California, obviously, and I am now going to California for my next show.

I don't want to see her hurt, and she needs to know that it's okay to be with Kyle.

I didn't give up on her, she just wanted him more. She may think she doesn't, but I know she does.

I just don't want to get in her way of living normally.


Ariana's POV

"Hey, you going to Justin's show tonight?" Kyle asked.

"Um, no," I said in a sad tone.

"W-why not?" He asked confused as to why I said no.

"We um, we broke up," I said, trying to keep the tears in my eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know," he said, as he turned around and grinned lightly.

"It's okay,"

"Today's the last day of school, want to hang out? Grab a drink or something?"

"No, it's okay, I'll just go home, not feeling very well,"

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm," I said, walking off.

"Stop being so sad!" Karson said, as she stood in front of me, not allowing me to walk forward.

"I can't help it," I murmured.

"We're talking about that douche that dumped you for fame, FAME ARIANA!" She said, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me forcefully.


"Well, if he chose fame over you, he's obviously not the right guy. He's an asshole, just stop thinking about it,"

"You're not making this any easier, of course you would say these things, your relationship with Luke has been going on forever, I don't even know how you guys do it,"

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