Part 6

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Day 4

I wake up, the person with the shotgun is still standing in front of me with his finger on the trigger but everyone else is sleeping. The guy with the gun starts taking the tape off, but to be honest, I could of escaped anyway but I didn't want them to know that. After he has taken the tape off he signals me to get up and passes me back my knife which he must of taken while I was sleeping. He comes in closer to me and whispers "Slit their throats quickly, if they wake up I'll shoot them" at first I just said "no" but he pointed the gun at me so I had no choice, I had to do what he said. I go up to the first guy and just slit his throat and quickly move onto the next one. I can't believe I'm doing this, being trapped in here with a shotgun to my head is making me go crazy.. I slit the second guys throat and contiune to the last guy. I can't be doing this, it must be a dream, this isn't me! I slit the last guys throat, I then realize something: Bella. SHIT! I can't kill her, I used to be in love with her, so what if she treated me like shit? She is still the girl that I wanted to marry, I can't kill her! I walk up to her, look back at the guy with the shotgun, maybe I could throw my knife into his head and live with Bella, but no, that's a bad idea, Bella is still the same crazy bitch who I hate. I guess I'll just leave her until she wakes up then see what she's like then, I go up to shotgun-man and tell him my plan, he agrees. All I need to do now is wait for Bella to wake up.

I'm sitting on my couch with shotgun-man when Bella wakes up, she looks to her left and see's one of the men I killed, as she looks around the room she notices everyone else that I killed. After she's done staring at the dead bodies, our eyes meet. She keeps staring at me so I just look at shotgun-man just so she knows he is still alive. Bella starts breathing heavily, I can hear it from the other side of my house, she slowly stands up and walks towards me, I grab my knife out and tell her "it doesn't have to end like this" she keeps going so I say "please don't make me do this" Fuck, I think I still have feelings for her.. I can't kill her, but I have to, fuck this is hard. Uggghhhhhh, I walk towards her and put my knife through her head and push her. That's her over, no more worrying about her. I go to the kitchen and grab two choclate bars, one for me and one for shotgun-man or whatever his name is. When I sit down he finally introduces himself, "I'm sorry for not talking to you, but my name is John. Thanks for helping me kill them, but you didn't have to kill Bella, she was kind of nice.. And hot" I laugh at the thought and say "Only hot since she is from hell" He nodded and laughed, I feel like I trust this guy already even though this morning he was holding a shotgun to my head and now it's just me, him, and 4 dead bodies inside a small house. I decide to move the bodies into the basement and go to sleep but just before I do, John says "hey, not mad at me? We needed a place to stay when this all started so we stayed in your attic" Shit, I forgot I had an attic but I just said "okay, goodnight" and smiled.

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