profile of the guardians

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The guardians are given power from "God". The power is a sphere shape in its false form. Its true form is in a shape of a human. Its is like a robot but with feeling. The power is each given to the guardians until the end of the world.

The power is stored in the heart in form of blood. Thus, the power would flow around the body. The power gives the guardians eternal lives, youth and is able to heal quickly. The power allows the guardians to do anything: manipulate elements, fly etc. If a guardian use her full power, she can destroy the world. Thus, each guardians have their power restrictors.

Their job is to save humans from hell, destroy Saturn (demons) by the end of the world- which may take millions of years. They are known to be the strongest of the world.

Each guardian also has more than 1 personality in the "body". "Body" - because the guardians have eternal lives, the have to leave their old "body" and create new "body" created from soil and dust. To find out more, read below.

1) guardian of love, Teresa

Position: leader, Queen of Fairytale - she formed the Kingdom Fairytale by gathering all types of fairies and making them be the citizen. (Truthfully, the citizens are the one who persuaded her to be the Queen). The Kingdom is built on clouds and have several types of barriers/shields so that enemies and normal humans, without permission from the Queen, cannot enter.

Personalities: 1) Hate
2) Love ( main body)
3) Frighten (1st twin)
4) pride (2nd twin)
5) Anger
6) Truth
7) Sadness
8) Happiness
9) Curiosity
10) distress
*11) vampire Instinct (VI) 1 (ex)
* 12) VI 2 + werewolf
They are the feeling personality. Since all have same main name: Teresa, The name above mention is used to differentiate them. Futhermore, their second name is also a symbol of their source power and their personality. If one personality became the same personality as another, the former personality will die. Example, if 'love' became angry which she is not supposed to, she may die unless she control her feeling.

* due to the fact that VI 1 jas gone wild over blood, the guardians used to seal VI 1 away and have created VI 2 and a werewolf. Now with a contract with VI 1, VI 1 is freed from the seal and is rarely summoned due to 'distrust'

Specialize power: Fire

Specialize: create new "body" for the guardians, revive and reborn people at will

Special position: gatekeeper of heaven and hell, and Queen of fairy tale ( forced to be Queen by the citizens).

Specialize weapons: all powerful and deadly. When she use sword, she can kill enemies within 10km range

2) guardian of Christ, Angela

Position: guardian

Personalities: 1) demon
2) Christ ( main body)
3) Faith
4) trust

Same as Teresa

Specialize power: Water

Specialize weapons: all powerful and deadly.

2) guardian of Peace, Aster

Position: guardian

Personalities: 1) War
2) peace ( main body)
3) younger version( unknown yet)

Same as Teresa

Specialize power: Air

Specialize weapons: all powerful and deadly. Sniping

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