Side Story 1: Teresa's POV part 1

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Hi, I am Teresa, I was a human I guess.

I am one of the guardians and the leader, you can say that.

Angela and I were nameless so we chose our current name. Why? 🤔 …😆 Secret~ kukukuku

Amongst the 3 guardians, Aster is the only one different from the other 2 guardians.

Angela and I were once human while Aster was born from my power. She's basically an alternative power supply should my power ever deplete.

We all have a different power source.

My sorce is feelings. Next, for Angela, she is based on beliefs. Lastly, Aster is based on the peace on Earth.

"War" form doesn't come out often unless there's a fight. "Peace" on the other hand, can't fight even though she have the ability to do so. This is due to her source if power.

(Author's note: refer to the character chapter for the various forms and main abilities of the guardians)

Since the introduction is done, let's move in to the real situation.

Currently, I'm being dragged around the school by Angela. She complained that I've been playing around but I've been not playing around!

I sense potential couples!! Of course it's "Rikka X Hiba" and "Kyoka X Tenma"

*Whisper to the readers from the character, Teresa* Oh-ho~ you readers are wondering why? Of course it's personal biasness, don't blame me, and something which could happen in the future. Of course, if you have your preferred ships, feel free to tell me anytime.

Aster: Now now… Angela… calm down will you… we shouldn't fight with one another… furthermore… isn't the source of the main Teresa, love? There's no reason why she can't enjoy the things she loves right? She's absorbing her power source after all.

See! Angela! Aster understand!

Teresa: *sigh* Ok… ok… I get it! I'll follow the tour ok? So stop dragging me around!

I shouted at Angela and pulled away from her. I dejectedly followed the tour but it's not like this is the first time we came across this academy.

Let me explain:

We, the guardians, have came to Armeria Academy for several times but this is of course our first time making ourselves known to the students of this Academy.

We've been observing their adventures from our previous visits so we know what could happen in the near future.

With this information, we can plan properly on how to change their adventures and the story line of this world, in short, the students' destiny.

However, our enrollment into the Academy itself changes the future so we have to make sure they go according to the future.

You guys may be wondering: "If that's so, why are we needed?" Of course, even if I say according to the future, I don't mean literally according to the story line.

We'll change a bit of their destiny and make sure no one dies, provide more battle experience to them and other ways.

(Writer's note: These story line of what I wrote is actually the story plot of the real thing. I'm planning to keep the main events similar even if there's 3 extra characters.)

To be continued

(Writer's note: I'll put the other half in another chapter)

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