Cell Phones vs Books

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D: Okay, my mom is always getting on my case because I'm constantly on my phone, but the thing is, she doesn't know I have a Wattpad.

Asher: Ooh. Scandalous. *chuckles*

D: *sticks out tongue* Anyways, she thinks I'm always texting. She doesn't know how Wattpad works or what it is so I don't even want to explain it to her. She knows I read on my phone though. But she's like, "How are you reading so much? There's no possible way." *huffs*

Asher: Um, I've seen your library. You have at least a thousand books in there!

D: Thank you! And the thing is, whenever I used to read regular books before I got a phone-

Asher: You know. The Dark Ages.

D: Yes. *dramatic music* The Dark Ages. But when I would read regular books, she wouldn't get mad! And I'm talking about walking through the grocery store, fricking Walmart, reading a book! And I didn't trip!

Asher: *chuckles* Okay, Belle.

D: *laughs* Whatever. Thanks for listening! Bye!

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