Asher: Okay, this gets on my nerves so badly. Why is it that when a guy compliments a girl, she can't take the compliment?
D: Well...
Asher: It's like, if you compliment us guys, we'll take it and say thanks, but you guys are just like no. Like if we call you beautiful, you just say 'I don't know why you say that about me.'
D: *laughs* It's called being insecure.
Asher: I know! But if we're always calling you beautiful, and you keep saying that, we get a little annoyed.
Like, don't you realize that most guys wouldn't call you beautiful if they didn't think so?D: Well, I guess so. Maybe we just think you guys are messing around with us or just saying that to make us feel better about ourselves.
Asher: *laughs* Of course we aren't. We say it because it's true. *smiles* Confidence is super attractive.
D: *rolls eyes* Okay.
Asher: Thanks for listening to my rant! Bye!

Dash's Rant Book
CasualeBasically just me and Asher ranting about different stuff. Enjoy my lovely Dash shippers! XD