Is It Real?

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Every day Its the same.

She wakes up,

she texts him.

He wakes up,

he responds.

But not today,

Today was different.

She had a plan for today,

called it an experiment...

A social experiment.

She woke up...

But she didn't text him.

She waited for him,

Waited for him to text first.

She waited more,

So patient.

She knew he would do it,

So she still waited.

Finally, mid-afternoon



"So tired so bored"

"When did you wake up?"

His response?


She waited again.

She started to get impatient.

"Just wait" she told herself,

"He'll respond soon"

He has to...right?

She waited so long

But nothing yet.

She started to doubt it.

Maybe he fell asleep

He did say he was tired.

Maybe he's busy.

But then it clicked.

Hours and hours later,

Still no response,

Nothing at all.

At that point she knew,

He wont text back.

But she still waited.

The day went by,

She went out with friends.

every once in a while

She would check her phone

Did he respond?

No...of course not.

She stayed strong.

Continued her experiment.

But what did it get her?

Bad thoughts?

Self doubts?

What did she expect?

She never really knew...

But what she got...

Was nothing.

They used to talk all day,

Every day.

He said he loved her,

Said he missed her.

He would stay up late,

Just to talk to her more.

She was his world.

But what happened...


What was different?

Is it maybe because,

She didn't text first?

He didn't want to talk to her?

She did something wrong?

What was it?

What is the real reason?

She knows there's a chance

She may be wrong.

Maybe, just maybe,

She's overreacting.

She's just being emotional.


As she sits there...Crying,

She can't help but wonder.

What is real?

All this love he had for her

What happened to that?

Where did it go?

Was it ever truly there?

That whole time,

Was it real?

What about now?

Is it real?

Cristal's poemsWhere stories live. Discover now