Chapter 7: the first aid kit

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    While I was sleeping I could hear the whales whistles and how they blew air out of their blow holes which was really nice. I dreamt about the first aid kit and how i took it out of the boat. Then I woke up really fast, I sat up and joy came across me. I realized that maybe the first aid kit was still there floating in the water. I decided I would make my self some clothes and then I would go out and check.
      I made my self some pants and a tank top with these really soft leaves and then I was in the water. It was cold at first then I got use to it. I took Margret and Squirt with me to go get the first aid kit, well at least just see if it's there.  Margaret's tale is doing better, she can swim better than she could last night. It is probably 8:00 am right now.

       We just arrived at lazy Mae cove, where I found Margret and Squirt. While I was swimming I saw something out of the corner of my eye, it was flashing from the sunlight. Squirt wanted to play, so I played tag and catch the seaweed with him, Margret just swam softly around me. Margret would swim up to me and I would rub her soft black skin and she would turn over on her back and she would let me rub her belly.

    After that I returned to the thing flashing in the sun light, when I turned around to find the object it wasn't there!! I started to freak out, I looked around and luckily I found it about 20 feet away from where it was.

     When I swam over there, it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw.  There it was the first aid just floating there. I tried grabbing it but squirt boosted it out of the water like he was playing with it.  I played with it to, then we all swam back to camp.

    I walked up on the warm soft sand and laid down, but I knew I had to get up and make my self some dinner. I got my spear and I went out into the chilly ocean. I checked my contraption that I had made and I couldn't believe what I saw in there. There was about 20 fish in that thing, I yelled out with excitement " yes I have food". I got my contraption then I went to go feed the whales. Squirt was trying to play with Margret but all see did was just stay where see was. I felt bad that his mama wasn't playing with him so I put the food on the island and went to go play with him.

   We played catch the seaweed, and we swam around in circles and then I got to dizzy. I went back on shore  to go get the food. Margret got exited when I said " who wants some fish?" I gave Margret 10 fish and Squirt got 3 fish cause I don't really think he liked the fish🐠🐡🐟. I cooked my self 3 fish and then cut a fish up and put it as bate in the contraption.

        I was full and sleepy it was probably 7:30 pm. I checked on the mamas tail and I couldn't wait until opening the first aid kit tomorrow, I laid down on my soft bed then I feel asleep to the sound of the whales whistles.

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