Dropping the kids off.

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"Hey ya bubbles!" I heard from in back of me. I turn to find Robert looking me up and down. "Um your here early."

I weighed what I was going to say very carefully.,"Yeah I kinda fell asleep waiting for Jeremy to come back from wardrobe last night, so did the kids they where wore out."

A look of amusement crossed his face,"so ya slept here did you?"

"Yes I did."

"Good for you. You know you'll do just fine bubbles. He really needs someone grounded and you'll do just fine." Robert said again looking me up and down. "You might however want to brush your hair so something and smile more. If you can stare me down you can take on the world."

"Sorry. I really didn't mean to come across as challenging but it's kind of new to me. I never planned on any of this"as I threw my arms around,"and Chris posted a picture of the kids this morning and people recognized Sarina."

"It's ok bubbles. It gets easier I promise. If you can look someone like me in the face and say something like that in a shirt and shorts that are obviously his with your hair wild you can do anything." He chuckled again as I began trying to smooth out my hair."We all like you. That's rare. We like one big dysfunctional family and we stand by our own, your one of us now."

"You trying to scare me away?" I said laughing.

"No just the opposite bubbles." He looked at me," he needs you bubbles. In a way we all kind of do. We tend to be a little full of ourselves. You don't buy into the whole we are superstars thing. We need people like you around." With that he just turned and walked away.

I get into the trailer and the kids are all looking around at me like they are taking everything in. Still. I can understand their confusion as I sit myself on the couch and just start to stare off. This morning has been like no other I have had. It's not bad in anyway just a lot to take in. That of course is when my phone rang.

"It's GRANDMA!" Gabby yelled as she went to answer the phone. Before I could grab it from her she answered it."hi grandma........no it's Gabby.......yes she right here." As she handed me the phone.

Matts mother who basically hated me from the time she met me was waiting on the line."Hello?" I said trying to find my voice.

"Now what is this I hear about the kids being on a MOVIE SET?" She basically yelled into the phone. Before I could say anything she started again,"really? I thought you were better then that."

"I'm sorry what?" I really wasn't in the mood to deal with her or try to follow her logic.

"My Matthew would never let his kids be on a movie set." She quickly replied.

"Your right Marion he wouldn't or at least he never would have taken them to one because he never did ANYTHING with his kids but that isn't the point. Your Matthew has been dead for six years now, I'm allowed to make decisions for my family, MY KIDS." Of course I regretted not what I said it how I said it, I was in front of the kids and I never talked bad about Matt in front of them.

Of course Jeremy walked into at that moment. Right as she was gasping at what I said. He started talking to the kids and gave each one some clothes and sent them off to change. He looked at me very concerned. Sarina stopped by and whispered something to him and he nodded and patted her on the back as she walked away.

"My lord, Katherine. Did you not love my son, no of course you didn't."

Before she could continue I stopped her,"yes Marion I did love your son. Regardless of that fact he is gone now. He has been gone a long time. He never cared for anything the kids did he was just there but he's not anymore. So don't lecture me on what Matt would have done or not do. As for the movie set I'm here with my friends, the kids have a small part in the movie, so what. Do not take that holier then thou road with me since you did such a great job with one out of your six."  I took a second to breathe. Jeremy was right next to me as she began with her insults again. I just hung up. Then blocked her number.

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