Car ride

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Though I didn't say anything and pretended not to hear the words that came out of his mouth I couldn't believe it. What did he just say? I know it is a figure of speech for some but it's not something you say to someone you barely know. Maybe I'm just out of it.

It was like he could see the inner turmoil going on. He just kind of held me tighter for a few seconds. It was the weirdest feeling ever. I couldn't think luckily he didn't say anything as we got to the vehicle and got in and buckled. I looked at the time and it was close enough to go to the school and wait to pick up the kids.

"It's almost time to pick up the kids."I said,"then we have to go to the house to feed the rabbits."

He thought for a second,"sounds good."

Then I realized I basically just invited him to the house. No one has ever been to the house. I started thinking about how clean was it? Could we have company? Crap!

"Rabbits?", he said as he chuckled.

"Yeah, we have a few bunnies."I said thinking, "well it was a few bunnies and it grew to nine bunnies."


"Yeah nine. It sounds crazy I know but you just fall in love with them." I said."I'm thinking about getting a few more. I saw some a few weeks ago that were cute."

"Honestly is there anything you can't do?"

"Yeah cook." I smiled as I said that as we pulled into the back of the school. Into what I loving refer to as the traffic jam from hell. We got into the correct lane to pick up the kids which was the middle of five lanes. As soon as I parked the car people started to start staring at us.

"You keep saying you can't cook, I guess I'll have to try it one day to judge for myself." He said almost completely oblivious to the fact people where now staring and pointing.

"Yeah well you won't be surprised if I keep saying it." I said as I looked all around us. "Ok I have to know how do you do this? I mean you can't go anywhere without people staring. It is ridiculous."

"I just ignore them to be honest. Of course I stop and let them take pictures when I have the time, they are the reason I'm famous after all. However I keep my life private or as much of it as possible. That means I'm a mystery and people like those. You just get used to it. You will get used to it." He said.

I sat there confused with the last statement as if I was going to be famous, HA! I must have had a look on my face because he then said as he took my hand and interlaced our fingers. "Yes you will get used to it. I mean if we are friends and we go out yes there will be crowds. I think that it's smart to limit the kids public time so to speak but I see no other choice when it comes to us."

"I agree. Well about the kids for sure because they won't understand any of this or if people get nasty they will take it personally. How do you handle it with your daughter?"

"Ready for it...... Twitter."


"I'll put a picture of her on Twitter every few weeks but never of her full face. It keeps the hounds at bay so to speak." He said laughing," I think that may be the best route as introducing the kids to my fans as well but only with your permission of course. It will help ease them into the limelight and keep people at bay."

"Well if that's what you do with her I guess it is ok. I've lived the past six years kind of in the shadows now I'll be front and center." I paused for a second," but I guess I'll be front and center with you so I'll be safe."

"Your sure?" I knew he wasn't just talking about releasing a few photos of the kids on Twitter but we were talking about so much more.

"Honestly no I'm not sure but I'm willing to try." I said.

"Well we have to start somewhere." He smiled and relaxed into the seat.

I couldn't help thinking that this was one of those dreams that you wake up from screaming. I wasn't ready for any of this. I hadn't felt like a human since matts death and within two days this strange man has turned my life upside down.

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