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I walked into school and looked around as my friend jumped on my back and pointed at people she knew I didnt know anyone except her. She kept telling me in my ear there that there was a emo guy that she saw. I smacked her off of he and gave her a dirty look. She backed up and laughed. I started walking backwards to talk to her and thats when I tripped and fell off the small set of stares and I hit the ground with a large thud. My friend alex ran to my side and helped me up and I turned around holding my head in pain I turned to see a boy with black colored hair a eye brow peircing and a peirced ear with few tattoos he starred at me and just slightly smiled and walked away. My friend started rapidly tapping ny shoulder. "Oh my god did you see that he smiled at you jay" alex said fangirling. I pushed her away from me and I held my head in pain still. I walked into my first class and I saw him standing there he looked at me and then quickly looked at the board. I looked at his body and he wore a black sweater black skinny jeans and black boots. I realized I was staring then I stopped. I looked at ny schedule and started walking to my next class. I ran into a group of three boys and each of there girlfriends they pushed me around for a minute I cant believe I have to start goung here in three days.

First day of school
I walked onto campus and looked around everyone was in there own group and me and alex were alone together. She walked away to go to the office and then I was stuck alone. I saw the boy feom the other day he was hanging out with three other guys in band shirts one had blind hair and a lip ring one had blond and black hair and one had short qavy dirty blond hair. Then I realized I was starring so I looked away and turned aeound to see those people who hurt me the other day so I started to walk away but they grabbed my back pack and stated beating me up. Once the bell rang they walked away and a girl walked up to me and helped me up and held out her hand for me to shake. "Hi im Megan" she said shaking my hand she wore baggy pants a baggy music shirt and converse she had glasses and long brown hair and freckles. "Hi im jamie but my friends call me jay" I said lightly smiling. She walked me to class as we passed the group with the boy in it and I found myself starring again. Megan tapped on my shoulder and asked me "what are you starring at?" My head quickly turned to Megan "oh uh n-nothing" I said walking a bit faster."mhm ok" she said catching up with me. We got to our first class and I sat next to megan in the back of the room and that emo boy sat right next to us wiyh his three friends. I didny stare this time I just looked foward looking emotionless. "Good morning class I will be your teacher my name is ms.smith and welcome to musical theatre" the teacher said. My head instantly looked down at my schedule it says for my first period musical theory my hand shot up as did everyone in my row. "Yes young lady with the purple hair" the teacher said calling on me. "Um my schedule says musical theory as in learning about music not acting" I said looking down. "Well it was a typo there is only musical theatre no musical theory here sorry for the confusion everyone" the teacher said shrugging her sholders and walking to the board she started talking aboug her class rules but I zoned out. Then the bell rang and I started walking to my next class I looked at my schedule it was gym. I walked there and one of the people who like to hurt me was in there. I sat at the top row of the bleachers at the very end. The gym teacher was yelling some kid with black hair and black clothes and tattoos and he has my gym to. He started walking away and then he trudged up the bleachers to the top and sat next to me. My breath hitched as I slightly looked him he was hot as fuck. I noticed I.was starring so I looked away. He probably has a girlfriend. Then the teacher started talking about rules and what we wull be doing this school year after she was done the bell rang I looled at my schedule I had science next. I wslked into the room and I saw alex I tried to sit with her but I was pushed out of the way and onto the floor alex didnt even look at me. So sat to one of the guys I see with emo boy he was the one with blond hair and the lip ring. The teacher did the same the rest of the teachers did then the bell rang I was off to my next class piano. I saw megan sit in a chair so I ran over to her and sat down. The teacher told us go open up to any page in the book and work on a song we will be performing it in two weeks. I dont know what was gonna pick but this was gonna be hard. The bell rang and I had lunch next so that's were I headed stright forbyhe cafeteria I wasnt hungry so I sat down alone and I put in my ear buds then just my luck emo boy sat across from me. I looked up and he was starring at me also nog eating. When I looked up he looked dowb at his food I just went back to listening to music. Then the bell rang I had history next I started walking to that class but I was yanked up by my backpack and threw back down. A giel started punching my and kicking me until megan came and stopped it. She helped me up and I looked at the girls who were with the girl who beat me up they were high fiving and alex was in on it. I felt hpt tears start to roll down my cheeks. I ran to the nearest bathroom and I cried. I skipped history and just cried in the bathroon alone. The bell rang and thats when I decided to just go home I snuck out of the bathroom and down the stairs and to the schools entrance. I mad it out and I started walking I heard the voices of people behind me so I looked it was emo boy and his three friends. I guess they dont like school either. They were laughing and just sounded like they were having a good time unlike me. I got to my apartment and they were still behind me and I walked up yhe stairs and so did they they opened the door next to mine and went in. Was emo boy me neighbor? I went into my house and passed out.

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