Chapter 1

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Hey guys, 

Another fanfic for you. Hope you enjoy and keep SMILING! :-) 

Also I imagine Vanessa Hudgens as Brooke. 

Love you,

Marf. xxx xxx


Brookes P.O.V.

Dear Miss May

We would like to offer you a job working with us at Jurassic world. You would be working in the Asset Containment Unit –ACU. Should you be interested in working with us, if so please give us a call at 202-555-1972. Thank you for your time.

Best wishes

Simon Masrani

That was three years ago, I had of course excepted there was no way I would have turned down such a life changing experience. Now I was living on Isla Nublar and was one of the best ACU guards around. I often had to help bring the dinosaurs in as I watch most of them hatch meaning they had imprinted on me. That meant that I had a calming effect on them, I loved watching the babies hatch they were just so adorable. I had watched most the babies hatch once I had arrived, there where only four that I wasn't allowed to watch and that was the Raptors as they needed to imprint on Owen who was their trainer.

After I was told about Owen training the raptors I had asked Dr Wu to hatch a T-rex. I had immediately taken a liking to her and had named her Camille. Secretly I had started training her, I had watched Owen working with the Raptors and had taken mental notes on how he did it. I then used those techniques to try and train Cam. When Claire and Simon found out, Claire was angry and wanted me fired straight away but Simon happily let me continue as long as my work as an ACU guard came first. That was what coursed Claire to start disliking me and from then on she started hating me.

A roar brings me out of my day dream, taking out my headphones I turn and look at Cam who is chasing a cow. I look down at my drawing and see that I can do no more so I close my drawing pad. I watch as Cam makes her way over to me in my tree. I wait until she comes face to face with me before I reach out and stroke her nose, her golden eyes staring at me full of trust.

'Piggy back,' I call to her, slowly Cam turns around so she is now standing sideways to me, I slide my legs over her neck and sit comfortably. Once I feel secure I tap the centre of the back of her head causing her to walk forwards to the other side of the enclosure towards the door and viewing area. When we reach the other side I tap her head twice to tell her to stop, seeing Claire in the viewing area I put both my headphones in so I won't have to listen to her. Getting up I slide down Cam's back and fling off her tail, landing on the floor with a thump. Cam turns and watches me curiously, smiling I stand up dusting off my butt. Cam lowers her head down to my level for one last stroke, then I turn away and leave. 'Bye girl, I'll come back later.' I tell her over my shoulder.

I walk into the viewing area, and wave goodbye to the assistant, ignoring Claire. I leave the building heading for the jeep I borrowed for Lowery. I see Claire walking after me her mouth opening and closing in what I can only guess is a rant. I turn on the engine of the jeep and drive off, leaving Claire standing there with her mouth open.

Once I reach the centre I run in flashing my pass at the guard on the door, once I reach the main control room I throw Lowery his keys and go stand behind Vivian.

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