Chapter 7

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Hey guys,

I'm so sorry for disappearing on you all. I have no excuse's, and I'm sorry.

Have a good day, Keep SMILING!


Marf. xxx


I watch as the Indominus walks towards us, roaring at us. Then all the raptors run at it and jump on the beast attacking it. I run forward and start shooting at the Indominus to try and help the raptors as well as giving the others time to run to cover.

'Brooke!' Gray and Owen shout, I ignore them and keep walking forward shooting the whole time.

'Get somewhere remotely safe, I'll cover you.' I shout back at them. I shot the Indominus in the eye causing it to roar and charge at me. I roll to the side ignoring the throbbing in my shoulder as I run over to where Claire, Zach and Gray were hiding. Once I reach them I look around for Owen, I spot him shooting the Indominus while hiding behind a block of amber.

The Indominus destroys half the gift shop which we were currently hiding in. She roars and brings her claw down, hitting Gray's fanny pack and hooking it. Gray panics and tears start rolling down his cheeks silently. Claire leaps forwards and unhooks the pack and she drags Gray back into the corner where Zach and I are crouching.

It was then I see that there is only Blue left and that the other raptors have all died and are laying still on the ground, tears come to my eyes but I blink them away.

'We need more teeth.' Gray says, we all turn and look at him. Then I smile widely at him.

'Bud you're a genius, Claire look after them.' I say before sprinting out of shop and heading towards paddock 9, Cam's paddock.

'Lowery? You still here?' I ask as I stand in front of Cams door.

'Brooke, you're alive!' He replies

'Didn't think I would die so easily did you? Anyway I need you to open Cam's door.' I tell him.

'What, why?'

'Just open it please, Cams going to save us all.' I say.

The door opens slowly and I see Cam standing in front of me, she roars when she sees me. I smile at her, she lowers herself down to the floor letting me climb onto her neck. Then I tap her head and direct her back towards the others.

Once we reach them I slide off Cam's neck and land next to Owen, I point at the Indominus and Cam runs at it attacking. Owen turns me around and pulls me into a hug.

'1) don't do that again you scared me! And 2) is she who you practiced my techniques with?' He tells me, I just nod my head.

I watch the fight closely as the two dinosaurs fight aiming at each other's necks. Grabbing Owen's hand I pull him backwards towards somewhere slightly safer.

Cam bit the Indominus's shoulder causing it to let out a roar, then it swiped a claw at Cam. I watched in horror as Cam fell to the floor, the Indominus put a foot on top of Cam pinning her down before trying to bit down on her neck.

Closing my eyes I turn away from the fight unable to watch what was about to happen, that's when I heard a raptor call opening my eyes I see Blue running at the two rex's. Blue leaps onto the back of the Indominus attacking it, the Indominus let go of Cam and walked backwards trying to shake Blue off.

While the Indominus was distracted, Cam got back up and roared loudly before charging the Indominus. Cam bit down on the Indominus's throat pushing her backwards and away from us. I watched as the Indominus started to struggle as she started to lose. Cam head butted the Indominus causing her to topple onto the fence around the mosasaurus's lake. Then both Cam and Blue roared at the Indominus. However the Indominus wasn't done yet and stood up shakily and started to roar back, but mid-roar Teresa leapt out the water and grabbed the Indominus before pulling her into the water and disappearing from sight.

I let out a sigh of relief, we won and we survived. I turned to Owen who was crouching next to me, to find him already watching me. I grabbed his face and pulling him towards me crashing my lips against his. When I pull away we both look at each other smiles on both of our faces.

Hearing Cam's footsteps I turn and face her as she walks over to me, leaving Owen I run to her as she lowers her head to the ground. I throw my arms around and smile, 'well done girl, I'm so proud of you. It's over now.' I take a step back from her and a tear rolls down my cheek, 'your free, you can go now.' I whisper softly to her.

Cam stares at me with her golden eye before standing up straight, she roars loudly at me as I sign of goodbye before turning and walking away. I turn around and see Blue disappearing from sight as well. I walk over to Owen and hug him tightly burying my head into his shoulder, he returns the hug and we just stand there embracing each other.

A cough brings us out of hug, I turn to see Claire watching us, glaring at me slightly. 'Well we are all alive, let's go join the others.' Claire says before walking off in the direction of a warehouse. Gray smiles at me before following her, Zach close on his heels. Owen grabs my hand and entwines our fingers before pulling me forwards.


After we had arrived I had got my shoulder looked at and patched up, I was currently sat on a bench with Gray's head on my lap, Zach was leaning against Claire his eyes shut. In the distance I could see Owen walking around and seeing if there was anything he could do to help anyone, I smiled at his kindness but frowned a little as he hasn't rested at all.

'Oh my god, it's your parents.' Claire says, Gray leaped off my lap and looked around for them. Then he ran forwards towards a middle aged couple, Zach was following after him. Then they all collided in a massive group hug crying and whisper things to each other. I got up and walked nearby and smiled at the sight. Claire then walked over and was included in the hug making her cry. Gray looked over to me and smiled, I smiled back Mrs Mitchell having now noticed looked over to me.

'Mum, dad, this is Brooke she showed us the T-rex and then she saved us.' Gray told her.

'You saved them?' She asked me.

'Yes but Gray here saved me more than once. Your son is quite a doctor and a hero.' I answer.

Mrs Mitchell walked over to me and hugged me while thanking me. I hugged her back gentle, when she released me I walked over to the boys and hugged them.

'Zach, look after your brother and be good. Gray, keep up the good work you have a bright future in front of you. Oh and thank you Bud for being my doctor. But I have to go now.' I say smiling sadly at them.

'Is this goodbye?' Gray asked sadly.

'No, I don't think so, it's more of a see you around.' I tell him before walking towards Owen.

Owen grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug, he places a kiss on my forehead. I look up at him, 'what now, Grady?'

'Well, I guess we start a new life.' Owen says staring at me.

'Sure thing.' I reply, then we walk towards the door of the warehouse and disappear out onto the island.


SO there you go guys, that's the end of T-rex Trainer. Hope you enjoyed it. I'll see you in the next story, and until then keep SMILING! x

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