Chapter 5

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Hey guys,

Here's todays chapter, I hope you enjoy it.



Marf. xxx


Owen's P.O.V.

I drive through the valley, looking at all the dinosaurs that are dead or dying littering the fields. I hear Claire sniff behind trying to hold in the tears. I look at her and smile weakly at her.

'It's killing everything.' Claire whimpers.

'It's testing itself, finding out where it is on the food chain.' I explain to her. 'Let's just find your nephews.'

Driving forward, I spot a broken gate and drive through it. Following the track left by the Gryosphere, I turn round a corner and brake. In front of us there is the smashed ball, Claire gets out the jeep and runs to it. She looks at the floor and picks up a phone.

'It's Zach's, they are dead!' Claire wails.

I look at the floor and spot tracks leading away, 'no they got out alright.' I tell her.

'How do you know that?' Claire shouts.

'Tracks,' I say pointing to them on the floor.

Claire sets off following the tracks with me trailing after her. We stop when we reach a waterfall, 'they must have jumped.' I inform her once I see panic on her face.

'Brave boys.' Claire mutters, 'we have to follow them.' She tells me.

'I will, you're not coming!' I say.

'Why not?' Claire asks pouting.

I look her up and down with a raised eyebrow, 'One, it's dangerous. Two, have you seen what you're wearing and three, heels.' I say pointing at her feet.

She looks at me like I have grown a second head, then she pulls off her jacket and ties it around her waist. Then she crosses her arm, I look at her confused, 'Whats that supposed to say?' I ask.

'I'm ready!' she says in a 'durh' tone. I groan causing Claire to glare at me.

'Okay, but you listen to me, and don't do anything that will get us killed.' I tell her.

We head down the rocks to the side of the waterfall, then continue following the tracks. I hear the engine of a car driving off away from us. Looking at Claire I motion for her to speed up and we start running. I see massive doors, then I realise it's the old park. I head inside looking for any signs of the kids.

Finding a garage I notice that one of the cars is missing.

'How did they even get one to work?' I ask amused.

'I'm not sure.' Claire say, while I open the hood of the remaining Jeep.

Before I can get to work on the jeep, the Indominus rex's roar echoes around us. I pull Claire down to crouching hiding behind the jeep, I see the rex's head peer round getting closer to us. It sniffs getting closer to us. Its nose ends up right next to us, then it backs out and walks away. We exhale and relax, I get up slowly to check it's gone when it crashes through the side of building.

I start running away from it, dragging Claire behind me. Running through the woods we hear the rex behind us. Claire stumbles behind me in her heels. Heading towards the park we lose the rex as we come to a cliff overlooking the aviary.

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