Chapter 3

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Hey guys,

Hope you enjoy this chapter, and remember to keep SMILING! :-)


Marf. xxx


*Earlier that day*

Brookes P.O.V.

After Owen and Barry had left I had stayed standing bored out of my mind. I think about the drawing I did earlier yesterday. Then a ringing noise distracts me, pulling my phone from my pocket I see that Claire is calling me. Rolling my eyes I answer it.

'Hello Claire, how may I help you on this beautiful day?' I ask.

'My nephews, Gray and Zach, arrived yesterday and I need you to...'

'No.' I cut in.

'You don't even know what I was going to say.' Claire complains.

'I am not babysitting your nephews.'

'I need you too!' Claire whines.

'They are your nephews, why aren't you watching them?' I ask.

'Just do this job for me and I won't have you fired for messing with the T-rex!' Claire snaps.

'Fine.' I grumble, then Claire hangs up. 'Hey, I have to go do babysitting I'll see you later.' I shout over to another guard, he just nods.

A couple minutes later I have arrived at the centre looking around for two boys. Then someone runs into me.

'I'm sorry.' a boy around the age of thirteen says to me.

'It's okay, urm weird question but are you called Gray?' I ask.

'Yes, how do you know that?' he questions.

'Gray! Get back here.' an older boy shouts, who I guess is Zach.

'Your Aunt Claire sent me to give you a tour.' I say to them both.

'Of course she did.' Zach mutters, 'So you work here?'

'Yeah, I'm in the ACU and I may or may not have started working with the T-rex.' I say with a smile.

'That's cool, so where do we go first?' Gray asks.

'Well I need to check on Cam,' I say, then seeing their confused faces I explain, 'The T-rex.'

I turn and walk out the centre leading them to one of the jeeps parked outside. During the drive Zach stays on his phone, while Gray doesn't stop talking about random dinosaur facts.

Once we reach the T-rex enclosure, we walk into the viewing area, 'Hey could you send in a cow, please?' I ask the assistant.


The four of us then watch as a cow is lowered into the enclosure, I see Cam appear and head straight for the meat. I hear Zach gasp and Gray squeal in excitement. Cam finishes up the cow and turns to the viewing area seeing me she runs forward.

'Stay here a second boys.' I tell them. Then I press a button and walk out into the enclosure. Cam sees me and stops lowing her head to the ground, I rub between her eyes whispering to her, 'So girl we have some visitors and maybe you could say hi to them.' Cam turns her head to the side and stares at me with her golden eye watching me, then she tosses her head. Smiling I walk back into the viewing area. 'So do you guys want a close encounter?' I ask them smiling widely.

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